It's reprehensible, but does it come as any surprise from these wonderful folks that they're racist towards all kinds of folks... and sexist (hell, that's an Islamic thing, too; just see it in the Koran!)
Oh, yeah... Palestine under President Abu Mazen (AKA Mahmoud Abbas) is worthy of our support... as was Nazi Germany under Hitler.
The Canadian Sentinel sees absolutely no reason to give a damn about "Palestine", a region which exists for the purpose of trying to "push Israel into the sea" and is clearly guilty of bringing up generations of hate-filled and murder-bent monsters, rather than good people.
Hey, if it's ok for the left to say the most horrible, false, defamatory, hateful things about Israel, then it's ok to speak the truth about "Palestine".
Just look at this cartoon those bastards put out (among many others), promoting hatred of Condoleeza Rice, effectively attacking all women everywhere and all Black people as well.

Above: a racist, sexist Palestinian cartoon of Condoleeza Rice, published by one of President Abbas' own ass-wipe media rags. Abbas is, therefore, a racist and sexist. Of course, we already knew that!
Leftists really need to stop supporting Palestine! Unless they want to be branded as racists and sexists themselves! Same goes for the MSM!
F**k Palestine.