I believe I'll withdraw my admission of a screw-up. I think the mea culpa was premature. Therefore, I'll reinstall this post, with a total of three links for all to read for themselves and make up their minds as to whether we've enough information about the anti-Christian violence which recently erupted in Jackson, Mississippi.
Looks like the CFP is onto something after all. I had previously posted on this CFP article which remains on their site. I had subsequently been advised of this article with different information and removed my original post as a result. Now a commentor has brought this to my attention.
Wow! Three accounts of the incident, each somewhat different.
The question is: exactly what happened?
The second and third are quite different from one another. The second, the Clarion Ledger, seems to whitewash the left-wing extremists' presence while making the Christian pro-life people look like thugs. Bias on the part of that publication?
I think we should put them all together to get the picture. Perhaps they're all correct, despite different points of view wrt the event.
However, the CFP and Operation Save America accounts seem to back one another up.
If anyone has more information, please drop the link into the comments thread.
I've some pictures borrowed from the third site:

Above: the left-wing extremists, as described in the CFP article. Note the moonbat on the hood of the Christian's vehicle.
Above: anti-life left-wing extremists. Why are some hiding their faces? Are they imagining they're some kind of terrorists? They certainly look like they are.
Above: more moonbats. This time "revolutionary feminists". My, but they certainly sound like moderate, mainstream Americans, don't they?
Ok, time for my latest rant against moonbattery:
I'll never understand the left's obsession with the termination of human life. Abortion, euthanasia, the blase attitude towards homicide bombing by jihadists, the beheadings by "insurgent" jihadists in Iraq... is the left obsessed with death? What are they, some kind of cult? Sheesh! They sound like they want to perform sacrifices or something.
Hey, moonbats, why don't you get vasectomies? Get your tubes tied? Use condoms? Birth control pills? How about abstinence? Why do you have to fornicate like there's no tomorrow? There's, after all, more to life than sex, sex, sex...
Seems the most important things for leftists are sex and death. They obsess over these things ad infinitum. Pro-abortion demonstrations. "Pride" parades with naked marchers... all the time. Aren't they about anything else? Oh, yes, of course... they're about being pro-Palestine and being anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli. How do I know this? I see it all lumped together in picket signs in pretty much every moonbat parade I see. Pro-abortion signs, rainbow flags, Kaffiyeh scarves, Palestinian flags, "Islam is peace" signs, naked people, anti-America/anti-Bush nonsense and all that...
For example, graphic evidence of radical moonbattery: http://www.zombietime.com/ (check out these in particular: http://www.zombietime.com/world_naked_bike_ride_2006/ and http://www.zombietime.com/hall_of_shame/) But be forewarned: there're pictures of naked moonbats. Mostly ugly guys. One of them's wearing what looks like ladies' panties, fofecksake! Better have a barf pail handy!
Where were the police? Can moonbats do whatever they want? Break nudity laws on special exemption from politicians?
...end of rant
Just be sure to read all three links on the story. And decide for yourself. I'm sure some folks will filter it all through their ideological biases, particularly the leftists.
Guess I've pissed off some moonbats this time... if so, excellent!