Monday, May 22, 2006

'Savior of the Left' Tommy Douglas Was No Angel

(Click on pic to enlarge)

Who wrote this frightening piece on eugenics? Tommy Douglas, the savior of leftist Canadians, ironically recently named the "Greatest Canadian". Oh, my...

Story here and here.

Yep, leftism is the most non-scary, non-ominous ideology ever. Suuuuuure!

Recall that the Nazis firmly believed in eugenics. We know what that was all about.

I predict the left will be insenced by this post as well as the others, for exposing the truth about a leftist and shattering the myth of leftism as angelic and all-tolerant. Perhaps Google will censor us, too!

Eugenics is not a Canadian value!

Betcha the left will put its collective noggin back up its collective bum again!