Thursday, May 18, 2006

Liberals Charged Taxpayers $1.1 M For Simple List

Story here. h/t:

A Quebec advertising firm billed the federal government $1.1 million for having a clerical worker create a list of small town festivals and other events across Quebec and Canada, Chuck Guite's fraud trial heard Thursday.


It's only when the police came calling years later that Ripeau realized her work was turned into a pair of reports purportedly analysing sponsorship opportunities for the federal government at the cost of $1 million.

Now let's think of how in the world it costs over a million bucks to have some clerk, whose job is worth just $35,000 per annum, compose a list of companies...

Hmm... a number of hours searching the internet... typing some names... printing the names on some paper... how the hell does that come to $1,100,000.00?

There's no doubt about it:

The Liberals are crooks, plain and simple!