Moonbat know-it-all Richard Belzer
From World Net Daily, via NealeNews:
Emphasis mine:
...frequent guest on HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher." On one previous ppearance, he threatened to walk off the set when told columnist Ann Coulter was also appearing, calling her a "fascist party doll." On Friday night's live broadcast, Belzer attacked claims by fellow guest Florida Congresswoman Ileanna Ros-Lehtinen's that U.S. soldiers continue to express support for the war.
Hmm... a foaming-at-the-mouth sexist. Yep, another tolerant, open-minded model American citizen on the ultra-far left. Totally unafraid to debate more rational people like Ann Coulter. Yep! But that's just a sidebar to the matter at hand: Richard Belzer is an arrogant, unhinged moonbat who thinks he understands the real world just because he claims he reads twenty newspapers. I believe he's lying... how could he possibly juggle his hectic work on TV's Law and Order with studying twenty newspapers (which would probably be left-wing moonbat rags anyway)? Read and see for yourself.
Oh, by the way... Belzer used the "F" word on television, in typical unhinged-moonbat fashion.
And Bill Maher, the show's host, himself a reprehensible moonbat, said to Belzer:
"You're going to lose even me like Michael Moore did when he came down on Charlton Heston in Columbine."
Also about Belzer, according to WND:
Belzer, a conspiracy theorist who once hosted several conspiracy-themed specials for the Sci-Fi Channel, is the author of the 1999 book, "UFOs, JFK, and Elvis: Conspiracies You Don't Have to Be Crazy to Believe."
Sounds like a sane person who understands the reality of the world and knows whereof he speaks. Oh, yes. What next?
There goes the neighborhood!