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Now spotlighting Palestinian Media Watch. h/t: WorldNetDaily
Be certain to bookmark that site. It's very valuable for information you will not get from the MSM and for the truth the left doesn't want to know or want you to know, either.
About PMW:
(Emphasis mine)
Palestinian Media Watch was established in 1996 to gain an understanding of Palestinian society through the monitoring of the Palestinian Arabic language media and schoolbooks. Palestinian Media Watch analyzes Palestinian Authority culture and society from numerous perspectives, including studies on summer camps, poetry, schoolbooks, religious ideology, crossword puzzles, and more.
Palestinian Media Watch has been playing the critical role of documenting the contradictions between the image the Palestinians present to the world in English and the messages to their own people in Arabic. The world’s view of the Palestinian Authority, to a significant degree, is the result of Palestinian Media Watch research.
Here's some lyrics from a children's music video in Palestine (click here for such music videos... these videos are a must-view!):
How dreadful. Does that sound like teaching children to be tolerant and peaceful, or does it teach them to hate and to kill? What kind of society is this? Bringing up the children as weapons of mass murder against those who are different?"Shake the earth, raise the stones. You will not be saved, Oh Zionist, from the volcano of my country’s stones, You will not be saved, Oh Zionist, from the volcano of my country’s stones, You are the target of my eyes, I will even willingly fall as a Shahid [Martyr for Allah]. You are the target of my eyes, I will even willingly fall as a Shahid. Allah Akbar, Oh the young ones".
Is the left listening? How about the so-called "centrists"? Do these people care for the truth? Do they think it's okay for the "Palestinians" to use children as murder weapons to kill people they hate?
How on earth can these people claim to want statehood if they're killing off their children? For without children, there can be no future and no state.
It's time for the world to just say "no" to Hamas and to the residents of the disputed territories now better known as "Hamastan". They must transform and adapt to the modern world, accept their neighbors, however different, and accept Israel, for Israel is never going away.
They must become tolerant. Right?