That's quite funny... we're talking about the MSM... the Conservatives' mortal political enemy! Unbelievable! They complain they won't get as much access to Cabinet Ministers. As if they got all the access they wanted from the Liberal ones? And considering they'll get increased access to the Prime Minister, why did they never whine about lack of access to Jean Chretien and to Paul Martin? Their partisan pro-Liberal bias is showing!
The MSM brought the new protocols upon themselves with their incessant, infantile, unprofessional behavior to conservative politicians in the past. Wish they'd toughen up, stop bawling and accept their just consequences.
I'm reminded of the American MSM at the White House. Here's a picture I believe can very well be applied also to the Canadian political MSM:
Yep, I know... I'm a graphics hack... but I'm now teaching myself Photoshop...

Update: Kate at Small Dead Animals recalls a previous post saying pretty much the same.