I just had a nifty idea... a few months ago I purchased a Kodak Z700 digital camera. Got some of its images right here on my hard drive, so I thought I'd share some of them with y'all...
Below: a spider outside my house. magnificient little thing, ain't it? And... it's standing on guard for its lunch! This is before I learned to adjust for depth of field. The background could've been better focussed if I'd known how to do that then...

Above: just a closeup of some pinecones.
Below: my good friend Mr. Squirrel. Cute little feller, isn't he? He lets me get really, really close. See, squirrels, with their excellent natural instincts, know that conservatives aren't scary at all. He could teach the moonbats quite a lesson in perception and understanding!
Above: a neighbor's cat. Little bugger just loooooves to leave little surprises on the lawn for my pleasurable discovery while mowing...