Sunday, March 19, 2006

My Apology to America for a Liberal Canadian Senator's Moonbattery

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Moonbat Liberal Senator Celine Hervieux-Payette

Via WorldNetDaily, at CBC:

Americans are again aware of the anti-US bigotry of a Canadian Liberal. We've heard the inane moonbat rantings of former Liberal Member of Parliament Carolyn Parrish and witnessed her stomping on a small effigy of the US President.
Now we have Liberal Senator Céline Hervieux-Payette making a total fool of herself, uttering this nonsense, which is only a part of her whole unhinged diatribe, which I haven't bothered to pay any attention, but which I understand to be shameful and wholly unhelpful as well as totally out of context relative to Canada's seal hunt controversy, which sparked this imbecile's screechery, part of which is quoted thusly:

"They must start to look at their own behaviour, the permanent heightening of the planet's insecurity since the election of Bush..."

Here we go again with Liberal stupidity! See, my American friends, we up north have our own stark raving mad moonbats. We have the Cindy Sheehans and the George Clooneys of our own. Yep, they're an embarrassment to real-thinking, rational, logical, civilized Americans and Canadians alike. And these moonbats take their freedom of expression for granted, choosing to ignore the fact that our respective nations are involved in military activity to give the populations of non-free nations the freedoms we were given by those who gave their lives in previous wars.

The senator conveniently forgets about the permanent heightening of Canada's insecurity since the election of Liberal governments throughtout history! Sheesh!

They would rather keep their heads firmly planted inside their ani than realize that the Free World is doing the right thing in spreading freedom, democracy and the rule of law. Yes, innocent people die, unfortunately, but they have already been dying due to dictatorship, communism, Islamofascism and all those evil forces and will continue to do so if we do nothing to fight and ultimately defeat these evils. Further, if we do nothing, then the forces of evil, the gathering, strengthening new Axis power group will sooner or later attempt to spread tyranny and oppression to the Free World as it tried in WWII and plotted to do during the Cold War... wars the Free World only won due to the courage to do the right thing and go to war. Why wait for evil to strike first? For it's the fundamental nature of evil to attempt to spread itself.
The foolish moonbats of the Free World fail to realize that they'll lose all of their fundamental liberties (and their left-wing, decadent, self-destructive luxuries along with them) should evil overtake the world... which is why intelligent citizens of the Free World support force to defend liberty from those who don't believe in it and wish to take it away from us. What would you rather have?
I, for one, am sick and tired of those who take liberty for granted and consider it an iron-clad, invulnerable right rather than what it really is: a gift given, valorously, selflessly paid for in lives, which can be taken away if not defended by more valorous souls who selflessly risk and sometimes lose their own lives so the Free World can remain free and humanity and civilization can continue to grow and develop.
The reality of the world escapes the too-comfortable, rose-colored glasses-wearing left. I recall a top Canadian blogger's opinion that leftism is a "mental disorder", and I'd be inclined to concur with her analysis. Leftists do, after all, often seem to be candidates for straitjackets and rubber rooms.
I sincerely apologize on behalf of Canada to America for the continuing verbal offences hurled at the great nation by the moonbats of my own.
And always remember, America can always count on Canada for real friendship and solidarity, notwithstanding periods of Liberal-held power and leftist screechery.
Our respective moonbat communities indeed bear a striking resemblance to one another, don't they?
And right-thinking Americans and Canadians also are very similar to one another and will always stand and fight together against the enemies of freedom, democracy and the rule of law.
We stand united.
Let's roll!