Friday, March 10, 2006

MSM Again Claims Harper "Angry" Without Proving "Anger"

Now we have the blatantly Liberal-favoring Toronto Star claiming anger on the part of Prime Minister Stephen Harper without backing up its contention with any evidence. Here we go again... the arrogant MSM deeming someone's state of mind. Who do they think they are?

Note the thinly veiled disdain for our new Prime Minister coming from the Toronto Liberal-cheering tabloid which believes itself an example of real reporting:

But Harper, rather than arguing the obvious shortcomings of the case, angrily responded to the inquiry by questioning Shapiro’s competence and partisanship and refusing to co-operate.

I'd recall a post I did on a similar MSM incident. Click and read "More Manipulative MSM Bias Against Harper, CPC". And note that just hours following my post that MSM outlet changed its unfounded headline which unfairly claimed Mr. Harper was angry.

Funny, that one paragraph of the Star sounds rather like an opinion posted by a blogger or commentor in the blogosphere, where one can view such opinions for free. In light of this, why should the reasonable person consider the MSM as all that relevant, particularly a Big Smoke socialist tabloid like the Star?

I declare this another clear example of MSM bias.

h/t: NealeNews