But there's now more... I'm about to do a new post above this one.
--All emphasis that follows is mine--
Reporting are:
Chicago Sun-Times : Activity at Sears Tower, Boeing probed
On Oct. 21, men in two vans stopped at Sears Tower's loading dock along Lower Wacker Drive and asked if they could gain access to the building's sky deck from there. Security guards told the men to leave. The guards provided authorities with license plate numbers and surveillance video.
The vehicles were tracked to a rental facility near O'Hare Airport. Investigators determined the men were Mexicans visiting Chicago and were not involved in terrorist activity, Caluris said.
Chicago Police are continuing to investigate another report of a man standing outside Boeing's world headquarters and making sketches in early February, Caluris said. The man told security officials he was an art student. Caluris said police still want to find the man and interview him.
If they were certain he's not a terrorist, then why the interest in finding him again? Logic dictates he's still a "person of interest". Good. The police are apparently doing their job, even though they don't tell the MSM very much.
NBC5.com: Report: Sears Tower Incident Leads To Terrorism Investigation
ABC7Chicago.com: Police probing suspicious activity around Loop buildings
--This one has a video of the news report.
Since 9-11, the Sears Tower in particular has turned up on several lists of possible targets for terrorists. ABC7 news has reported sightings of suspicious looking individuals photographing the building numerous times in the past several years. Law enforcement officials have always publicly downplayed these incidents and they attempted to do that again Thursday.
Finally, an MSM outlet that tells it like it really is! Good for you, ABC7Chicago! This is the most comprehensive MSM reporting on the incident so far. Very good work. They continue:
Sears Tower employees Thursday reportedly received bulletins from building management reassuring them that there is no terror threat. But those bulletins failed to explain the incident ABC7 reported, that three suspicious looking men in a rental car pulled up to the building recently, got out and began studying the building. According to law enforcement sources, they took pictures before building security ran them off,
but they never got their identification. Those sources tell ABC7 the car was rented to a fake name.
The entire incident was captured on building security video, which was turned over to members of the Joint Terrorism Task Force.
...this incident is just the latest of a number of similar ones we have reported on over the last few years.
They have more. Go read it!
You may be able to find more reporting on this incident and the Boeing one by Googling the words "chicago news", as I did. I'm finding that the way to find out more about an obscurely-reported-nationally event like this and the OU bombing is to Google and Yahoo! the local news outlets, which often have multiple reports with varying information and spins.
So much contradiction going on... how do we know the truth? Maybe we don't, yet, and may never will, but the important thing is: we are watching.