Excerpts from World Net Daily:
Iran's top nuclear negotiator, in a speech to the nation's leading Islamic clerics and academics, has admitted what many in U.S. intelligence have been saying all along – namely, Tehran duped the West on its nuclear program by continuing its development while using diplomatic talks to lull the Europeans into inaction.
Hassan Rowhani led talks with the EU3 – Germany, France and the UK – until last year and part of his job, reports the London Telegraph, was to play for time after Iran's nuclear program was exposed by dissidents in 2002.
Hey, appeaseniks and pacifists, are you listening? Cover your ears and history will judge you all very harshly. If indeed there's going to be any history...
Rowhani declares to a closed session of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution:
"From the outset, the Americans kept telling the Europeans, 'The Iranians are lying and deceiving you and they have not told you everything.' The Europeans used to respond, 'We trust them'," he said.
He continues:
"The dilemma was if we offered a complete picture, the picture itself could lead us to the U.N. Security Council," he said. "And not providing a complete picture would also be a violation of the resolution and we could have been referred to the Security Council for not implementing the resolution."
It's apparent from his declarations to his fellow Islamotyrannical comrades within the oppressive, warmongering, brutally theocratic Islamic regime that it's been the practice all along for Iran to continue to develop nuclear weapons while stalling for time via "diplomacy" (the incessantly repeated mantra of Western leftist appeaseniks and pacifists) and lying to the world, claiming that the nuclear program was purely peaceful.
Purely peaceful? Remember this?
WND also reports that (emphasis mine):
"... National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), an opposition group responsible for many of the revelations about Iran's secret program, has obtained a confidential parliamentary report revealing that Iran's legislators were unaware of the nuclear project and that it was funded off the books."
Of course, this is in no way whatsoever a democracy... it's a purely, oppressive, dictatorial Islamotyranny. The question now is as to who is actually in charge? Who calls the shots in Iran?
America and its European allies believe that Iran is clandestinely developing an atomic bomb but Teheran insists it is merely seeking nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Iran's negotiating team engaged in a last-ditch attempt last week to head off Security Council involvement. In January the regime removed IAEA seals on sensitive nuclear equipment and last month it resumed banned uranium enrichment.
Iran is trying to win support from Russia, which opposes any UN sanctions, having unsuccessfully tried to persuade European leaders to give them more time. Against this backdrop, Mr Rowhani's surprisingly candid comments on Iran's record of obfuscation and delay are illuminating.
This is more evidence that we must soon carry out a decisive campaign of military strikes against Iran's nuclear and military infrastructure so as to severely hamper its ability to wage Jihadic armaggedon upon the Free World in the name of Allah.
If we fail to act, and act soon, this will likely happen all over the Free World someday, and freedom, democracy and the rule of law would then perish from this planet:

The enemy now possesses nuclear technology or is quickly developing it and either currently has the means of international delivery or soon will. This is the reality of the new Axis power group in the world today. It wasn't like this in WWII, so the implication is self-evident: The reasonable person can realize for oneself the grave dangers now facing the Free World.
Remember: Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
Let's roll!