Again, the Northeast Intelligence Network comes out with the news before the MSM does.
I just did a quick search of Albany, NY, news outlets on the web, the major MSM sites and news aggregators and came up with absolutely nothing. Why? Are the MSM ignoring this?
Excerpts (emphasis mine):
23 March 2006: Classified documents unsealed late Tuesday in U.S. District Court indicates that Yassin Aref, spiritual leader of the Albany Mosque, repeatedly called a phone number in Syria that a FBI report indicates had been used to gather terrorist intelligence for Osama bin Laden. Aref and Mohammed Hossain, an Albany pizza shop owner and co-founder of the mosque, are in jail for their alleged involvement in a plot to make money from the sale of rocket launchers to terrorists.
Here's where it gets interesting:
In addition to the alleged connection to Osama bin Laden' and al Qaeda, unsealed documents indicate that Aref's name, his home address in Albany, and telephone number were discovered in several suspected terrorist strongholds in Iraq.
This is more evidence emerging of an Al Qaeda-Iraq link. There have been evidentiary indications pointing into this direction already, as I've observed via the internet, and this is the latest I've encountered.
In addition to the above, criminal history reports for two men, one whose name is on a terrorist watch list and who had attended the Central Avenue Masjid As Salam mosque were unsealed. James Earl Johnson, 26, was arrested by Albany police in
December 2001 as he exited the mosque carrying a rifle. He was arrested again in 2002 while driving a van on the New York State Thruway near the town of Herkimer; the van was loaded with weapons and computer discs containing terrorism-related manuals containing instructions on making fertilizer bombs, nitroglycerine, cyanide, chorine gas and letter bombs. Johnson was also arrested in Afghanistan in March 2000, carrying similar computer discs.
Certainly read it all. There's more, including this, regarding an Ali Mounnes Yaghi:
...failed a polygraph examination during an interrogation in which he was shown photographs of the 19 hijackers and asked whether he knew any of them.
It never ends. Wonder if the MSM is even capable of detecting these things and letting us know. Guess not... after all, I've been following terrorism-related reports on the web and the MSM seems to have its head in the sand and in denial.
This information isn't something we should ignore. We need to know who, when, where, what and why. For our security.
If we ignore the terrorists again... well, just think about what went on in your head the moment you realized just what had happened on September 11th, 2001.
It's not over. Not by a long shot.