BRAMPTON -- The man who allegedly wanted former prime minister Paul Martin dead was on the board of a Liberal riding association and was once charged for trying to run down a former defence minister's assistant.
The RCMP also had information he was acting as a middleman in arms shipments to Tamil groups.
The stunning testimony was given in a Brampton courtroom yesterday as an abuse of process hearing continued in the case of Vincent Brown, who is facing drug charges.
Brown is trying to have the charges thrown out of court because he says the RCMP broke the promise they made when he gave them information about a 2003 plot to assassinate Paul Martin. Brown said he was offered $300,000 by Augustine D'Souza, who once sat on the board of Scarborough-Rouge River MP Derek Lee's riding association, RCMP Const. Eric Rebiere testified.
h/t for photo: click on the photo
I do fear we'll be seeing more of this...
Update: (moved to top):
I've found an older CTV report on the case, with more fascinating information. Damn... it reminds me of the banned Gomery Inquiry testimony so famously exposed by Captain Ed.
Accused cocaine trafficker Vincent Brown testified at an abuse of process hearing in Brampton, Ont. on Tuesday that two contracts on the life of Paul Martin – worth up to $300,000 -- were being shopped around in Toronto's underworld in 2003, the Toronto Sun reported.
"Someone hired me to assassinate Paul Martin," he told his lawyer Sam Goldstein.
"I turned the offer down. I felt I was being set up."
"One was planned before and it failed," Brown said. "They had paid someone before. They needed a backup plan."
What's this? Two attempts to set up a hit on the former Liberal PM? Why would anyone want to assassinate a Canadian Prime Minister? As someone once declared to me, only leaders of other nations are assassinated, whereas Canadian leaders get a pie in the face, right?
Oh, man... what'll float up to the surface next? Hell, maybe it's nothing, but put together with everything else that's transpired between late 1993 and early 2006, it does pique the interest, doesn't it?
Ah, wait... almost forgot... here's even more:
From Married to the Mob? Kevin Steel - Monday, 23 January 2006 - Western Standard:
(emphasis mine):
According to Brown, there were three meetings. In the third one--which was unrecorded--Brown claims he met "a tall, white-haired man who said he was from national security, and another who said that he was from some police service there on the weapons charges"
"This white-haired man said if you give us the name of who hired you to kill Paul Martin, then we would stay all the charges against you, but first we want you to take a polygraph test,"
Who could this white haired man possibly be?
During the lie detector test, Brown alleged that a loan shark named Augustine D'Souza had approached him around Dec. 16, 2002, with two separate contracts on Martin's life, worth a total of $300,000. He passed the test--though the charges were never stayed, and police
accused Brown of concocting the story, noting he owed D'Souza money, leading Brown to bring the abuse of process application. Still, police appeared to take the threat seriously enough that nine days later, a Canadian Press journalist reported that the prime minister's security detail had been noticeably beefed up--though police did not say why.
But, from there, the plot only gets fishier....
The plot only gets fishier? Well, then we'd better go read the thing at the link! It goes on to mention a helluva lot of names and things we'll recall immediately...
Definitely a good read!