Saturday, May 08, 2010

Shocking Number Of Americans Believe Obama Foreign-Born: Poll

Like I said, the Obama Eligibility Issue would only continue to grow and expand, notwithstanding the propaganda warfare against all who ask the legitimate question:  "Where's the PROOF that Obama's eligible under the Constitution to be President?"

Well, here's the latest inconvenient truth...  And it comes from the Big Media, who's finally beginning to wonder, too...

Basically, the poll finds that one in five Americans suspect that Obama is not US-born... and this includes one in seven who self-identify as "Democrats".

We're talking tens of millions of Americans.

Riiiiight.  Nothing to see here.  Move on.  Obama's got nothing to worry about with tens of millions of "birthers" asking The Inconvenient Question.  Suuuuure.  Yup, just ignore it and it'll go away, riiiiight.  Pretend it's nothing of consequence.  Like the threat of Islamization, the threat of terrorism, the threat posed by the likes of Red China and Iran... not to mention the threat of bankruptcy in America, leading to deadly riots by neo-Communist extremist state apparatchiks, like we're seeing in bankrupt socialist Greece...


glasnost said...

Washington Post/ABC affirms 1 in 7 Dems believe he was born in another country...

They just don't care because he's thier guy.

glasnost said...

Except after "c" or "h"

glasnost said...

Let's face it, the world is stuck with this guy for now. There would be more utility in concentrating on his "eligibility" for the 2012 election. I'd suggest he's not qualified for two reasons: he hasn't properly established his birth circumstances; and he's totally fecked up everything he's touched.

Canadian Sentinel said...

Yup, the don't care. Democrats have no ethics, morals, and don't care about the Constitution. They know stuff's wrong, but accept it anyway and get mad when anyone tries to say it's wrong, and go berserk when anyone tries to make it right.

Canadian Sentinel said...

I'd add to that, he's also disqualified for the reasons exposed in "The Manchurian President". What's in it, is being trickled out in bits and bites on WND, perhaps to give folks a taste so they'll buy the whole thing, not that there's any problem selling the book, which is already the number one nonfiction bestseller...

∞ ≠ ø said...

Haven't got my copy..... YET.

Also. hadn't seen this yet. Forgive me if this is redundant C.S.

Barry X... Hmmmm
WOW! Now that's a secret WORTH millions.

Ken & Carol said...

A lot of us just regard Him as un-American.