An internal memo for a prominent Hollywood organization reveals plans to incorporate President Obama's political talking points into the storylines of shows on all four leading broadcast networks.
The memo, uncovered by Jim Nolte, a writer for the Big Hollywood website, cites Obama's call "for a new era of responsibility – recognition on the part of every American that we have duties to ourselves, our nation and world to serve others." Nolte has posted the "working" document from the Entertainment Industry Foundation, which calls itself a "leading charitable organization of the entertainment industry."
The memo says "unprecedented week-long of television programming on all four leading broadcast networks – ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, and all affiliated broadcast and cable properties … beginning October 19" will feature "organically" created storylines about service and volunteerism touching on the "key issues" of education and children, health and well-being, environmental conservation and reduced energy consumption, economic development and financial security and support for military families.

I've already noticed Obama being inserted into TV programs for no reason at all. He gets mentioned by characters in a positive, casual manner. He's becoming as omnipresent and mandatory on TV programs as is the tiringly incessant mention of gayness.
Hmm. "Volunteerism". "Service". What are they talking about? Who the hell knows? No one knew what "Hope" and "Change" meant, either, but now we all know, and the majority of us don't like it one bit!
It's suggested that it's got something to do with what some derisively refer to as "Obama Youth".
One commentor was inspired to submit:
On the Big Hollywood site, one observer commented, "When coerced, it is not volunteerism, when service is involuntary or unpaid, it is slavery. It is bad enough that the government is stealing our freedom, now they want us to help. "
Read the whole thing. It gets darker and darker. Big barf alert!
Pure propaganda unplugged!Mass brainwashing campaign afoot!
Time to toss your TV into the trash and cancel your cable bill!
The Liberals in Canada are nitpicking anything and everything they perceive to be partisan advertising by the Canadian government. So will they say the same stuff about what the Big Obama Machine is doing in America? Or will they stay mum to protect their idol?