El Marco does the newsmedia's job for the People. Go ahead and get your latest reasons for telling the Big Old Media to go to hell for giving you, the People, the finger. Read the whole story at El Marco's site. He's way better than the utterly useless Big Old Media. Here's some pix taken by El Marco himself.

The brainwashed interns are seen below. At least the brainless bimbo girl is cute!

The INTERNS IGNORED THE TEA PARTIERS AND CHOSE INSTEAD TO COVER A COUPLE OF fecking CONSPIRACY-THEORIZING 9/11 TRUTHERS! See! Haha! Look at the hardcore-leftwing fringe-element freak with the ugly, poo-colored brown toque and the grinning moonbat with the long hair! I think I saw that one on the X-Files spinoff "The Lone Gunmen"! The long-haired one who threw up a lot! And what's up with the truther with the press pass? Totally Astroturf!

Below: The Lone Gunmen (And a hot chick). They ain't for real, either, yet the Big Media put 'em on prime time!

How's that for proof positive of BIAS! That's who the brainwashed Big Media interns cover! The Professional Liars inside taught them very well how to be prejudiced and tell Big Lies!