Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Spectre Of State Control Of All Media, Including Blogs, Raised By FCC Commish

I believe he's actually hinting, to the person in the know, that a Democratic victory in America's upcoming Presidential election would threaten the First Amendment rights of Americans, including on talk radio (such as that exemplified by the massively popular Rush Limbaugh, a powerful, inconvenient thorn in the side of the American Left) and blogs, like mine (although I'm Canadian, but I do wonder whether, perhaps, a Democratic regime would block Americans' access to my blog, a la the likes of Communist China and Islamofascist Iran).

“I think the fear is that somehow large corporations will censor their content, their points of view, right,” McDowell said. “I think the bigger concern for them should be if you have government dictating content policy, which by the way would have a big First Amendment problem.”

“Then, whoever is in charge of government is going to determine what is fair, under a so-called ‘Fairness Doctrine,’ which won’t be called that – it’ll be called something else,” McDowell said. “So, will Web sites, will bloggers have to give equal time or equal space on their Web site to opposing views rather than letting the marketplace of ideas determine that?”

McDowell told BMI the Fairness Doctrine isn’t currently on the FCC’s radar. But a new administration and Congress elected in 2008 might renew Fairness Doctrine efforts, but under another name.

“The Fairness Doctrine has not been raised at the FCC, but the importance of this election is in part – has something to do with that,” McDowell said. “So you know, this election, if it goes one way, we could see a re-imposition of the Fairness Doctrine. There is a discussion of it in Congress. I think it won’t be called the Fairness Doctrine by folks who are promoting it. I think it will be called something else and I think it’ll be intertwined into the net neutrality debate.”

Ugh! Would this mean that we would be forbidden to ban trolls from the Far Left from leaving nasty propaganda on our blogs? Would Saint Obama or Wicked Witch Hillary impose this on us? Surely Johnny Mc. wouldn't dare?