Sunday, August 31, 2008

Latest Cold War Moves By Russia: An Analysis

Report here. ht:

This certainly is a game changer. Read what's at the link. Now...

In the past, Russia/the USSR have used the Middle Eastern Islamic tyrannies as proxies in its Cold War with the Free World. First, they brought international terrorism into being, exploiting Islam and Muslims to be used as disposable pawns, including against Israel via "Palestine". Don't believe it? Ok, then... here's your remedial reading, fully footnoted.

Now it appears that Russia has concluded that Islamic terrorism in and of itself won't adequately weaken the Free World/Israel for Russia's purposes. It now appears that Russia will no longer bother to hide and/or downplay its Free World-threatening dealings with the Islamic World, and will now be doing it openly, brazenly. Probably in addition to the old terrorism strategy, unless Russia decides to stop facilitating Islamic terrorism, concluding that it's an ineffective waste of Russian resources.

Perhaps Russia will return to the nation-state Cold War game, having abandoned the stealthy, under-the-radar practice of insidious, proxy, ridiculously slow weakening and, it hopes, ultimate destruction of its Free World enemies.

Now we see Russia openly announcing its arms sales to Syria and Iran, no longer bothering to simply sell arms to those proxy stooges, unannounced, for the purpose of attacking the key Free-World nation/sole non-Islamic nation in the Middle East/obstacle to Russia's oil agenda in the region nation of Israel, a strategy that failed over and over again, as Israel proved to be far too effective in its self-defence over the decades.

It's a dangerous new play in a series of dangerous new plays by newly, brazenly-as-ever belligerent Russia under the madman Putin and his puppet Medvedev.

The mainstream media simply doesn't see it, doesn't realize what's happening and what's coming.

The Free World must now abandon its dogmatic delusion that "diplomacy" will always prevail and save the world, for it clearly will not, as it hasn't worked to defuse but a very small number of threats to the Free World.

The Free World must accept the reality that the Cold War is back on 100%. And proceed immediately to rebuild its military might, accelerating technological innovations in weapons/offensive/defensive systems so as to continue to ensure that Russia, China and the rest of the Axis of Evil realizes that the doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction is still in effect as much as ever, for if the Axis believes, only for a moment, that the Free World couldn 't prevent an Axis takeover of the world, then they'll not hesitate to go all Hitler-crazy all over the place.

And it bears mentioning that, in light of the upcoming elections in Canada and America, the People of these two Free World Allies must elect the most hawkish leaders/parties with strong majorities so as to ensure this deterrence against the Axis of Evil's agenda and actions. This means that Canadians must elect a majority Conservative government, currently led by Stephen Harper, and a Republican President, John McCain, along with a majority Republican Senate, in America. To elect the appeasenik leftists, the Liberal Stephane Dion and the Democrat Barack Obama, who has pledged to disarm America, would be to commit national suicide.

It's time to face the new world reality. The world is more dangerous now than ever before and we must get this fact into our collective consciousness if we want to continue to enjoy our freedoms, democracies and our rule of democratically-originated law, all of which the Axis wants to take away from us in addition to annexing our lands.

We can't afford to wait for the next Pearl Harbor or 9/11 as proof that the danger, the grave threat to our freedoms, democracies and rule of democratically-originated law, as well as our sovereign, free, democratic nations, hasn't gone away.

It's time to walk with our big sticks again.