Friday, August 08, 2008

Biblical Tale of 'Sodom & Gomorrah' Brings Justice, Jails Pedophile

Story here.

A man, Khatab Ismail, is in jail for seven years for raping a small boy and causing him continuing severe psychological impact.

What got to him?

The Bible. Specifically, the tale of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Raping a young boy who disclosed the abuse while reading the Biblical tale of Sodom and Gomorra with his father has landed a Calgary man a seven-year prison sentence.

Provincial court Judge Sandy Hamilton yesterday said the repeat assaults inflicted on the boy by Khatab Ismail has left the victim permanently psychologically scarred.

"The victim presented as a very troubled young boy," Hamilton said, noting he now lives in a group home and has twice attempted suicide.

"He presented as being sexualized well beyond his years and gave a recitation of the events surrounding his (abuse) which was chilling in its ... routine use of sexual words and phrases," Hamilton said.

"I have no hesitation in concluding that the sexual degradation of the child by the accused has had a very detrimental effect."

This is why the ultra-far-left's super-radical fringe that seeks to legalize child pornography and adult-child sex, is dangerous and must be opposed as strongly as possible, and no amount of claiming that it's about "human rights" and "sexual orientation- don't dare discriminate, you haters!" shall sway us.

We will discriminate against pedophiles. It's the right thing to do to protect children. It's ok to say negative, pejorative things about adults who believe they're attracted to children and who seek to engage in immoral, harmful activities with them. Pedophiles shall be marginalized and discriminated against as are racists.

Seven years. In Canada. He'll be out a lot sooner than that. See, the Canadian justice system is far too weak and ineffective, and this pedophile scumbag can be expected to commit the same crime again once he's out.

He should've gotten a life sentence.

He deserves it.

Because he gave a little boy a life sentence.