Monday, August 25, 2008

Health System Needs Private-Sector Involvement: CMA Head

Story here. ht:

The new president of the Canadian Medical Association said Canada needs to look to European countries that have restored their health-care systems by including private clinics and changing funding formulas.

Dr. Robert Ouellet told CTV's Question Period on Sunday that Canada's health-care system is not sustainable and will need the help of the private sector to get back on track.

Ouellet, who owns five private MRI clinics in Montreal, said Canadians are too "dogmatic" about the debate over public versus private health care and need to be more open to the best solutions for a broken system.

Exactly. Quit being dogmatic. Open your minds!

"We have to think about the patient and not be dogmatic about it," said Ouellet, who became CMA president on Wednesday. "And that's the problem in Canada. We're very dogmatic about public and private, and you know this public and private system exists everywhere in the world except three countries: Canada, Cuba and North Korea."

You know, the status quo is literally, politically-correctly, imposing suffering onto and killing Canadians, and it's immoral and unethical to remain dogmatic and closed-minded about this critically serious problem, pretending that simply throwing a couple billion more in tax dollars per year every year will somehow, hopefully, someday, make things better, which it simply won't.

Make no mistake: We must involve the private sector in Canada's health-care system. There is no other alternative, other than to allow the situation to become worse and worse and deadlier and deadlier no matter how much more money we throw at it. The politically-correct dogmatic imperative of socialism, equity and the distribution of income has to be scrapped because it's killing our loved ones and we know it!

Bring balance, efficiency and effectiveness to the health care system... if you don't want to ever suffer needlessly... and if you want to live.

Demand this solution... loudly and openly!