Saturday, September 30, 2006

NORAD Intercepts Russian Bombers Crossing Into Buffer Zone Around US Airspace

Story here. h/t: National Newswatch

Both American and Canadian fighters were deployed to intercept & closely follow the Russian bombers.

Russia advised NORAD beforehand that the bombers would be conductind an exercise "in the region".

But the bombers entered the 20-KM buffer zone around US airspace, prompting the interception. The Russian pilots either made a stupid error or were following orders to get too close for comfort, perhaps as a test of NORAD defences.

Too close for comfort. There was no reason to get so close, unless Russia has Cold-War-type plans all over again. I've been watching Russian military developments and am very concerned about Russia's attitude, in addition to their consistent support for and alliance with the Axis nations.

I recall early on in the Bush presidency an American Air Force non-attack plane was forced to land in China just because it erred into Chinese airspace, leading to China seizing the plane and detaining its crew.

Compare and contrast that aggressive Chinese behavior with that of North America. The Chinese stripped and studied the high-tech American plane whereas we merely "escorted" the Russian bombers and saw them on their way.

The left, however, owing to its nonthinking ideological extremism, won't realize the differences and will continue to see America and the Free World as evil and imperialistic compared to the NonFree World despite our civil, if defensive, actions in this incident.