Saturday, September 09, 2006

Moonbat Jack Layton Opens Big Mouth Again

Moonbat NDP Leader Jack Layton, above, attempts to squish a pesky fly that won't leave him alone. The question is: Why was that fly so attracted to him? Well, flies are particularly attracted to things that stink. The stinkier the object, the more attractive they are to flies. And what could be stinkier than a big, fresh, steaming pile of shit?
Story here. h/t:
NDP Leader Jack Layton said:
"There has been such a totally disproportionate investment of the world's energy, time and money on the issues that George Bush has defined as the threat to human security.
"(That is) as opposed to the real threats to human security."
Oh, Islamic fascism, totalitarianism and international jihad aren't real threats to human security? This is what this foul moonbat is saying?
Well, that's his opinion... these millions of "Muslim" people who have been and are being programmed from birth to believe that they're superior and that all who differ and/or don't stick to all Islamic dogmas without exception are inferior and must be converted, enslaved or killed... all over the entire planet... entailing that these millions of barbaric supremacists wish to convert, enslave or kill billions of human beings who happen to be different or believe differently... if he doesn't think that they are a real threat to human security... then Jackoff Layiton can believe that. Of course, it makes him a Dhimmi imbecile.
AIDS and poverty are indeed problems and must really be dealt with. Climate change? That's a different, scientifically controversial matter and cannot intelligently be compared to IslamoNazism. But Jackoff Layiton wants to believe that these things are more seriously threatening than IslamoNazis. Bizarre. More evidence of leftism being a mental disorder.
(AIDS can be dealt with much more easily than can IslamoNazism, actually... for if we arm as many folks in the world as possible with information on how AIDS is spread and contracted and how to avoid having that happen, that'll make the greatest difference of all, and it's more certain that this information can be promulgated where possible than it's certain that there'll be any kind of a drug cure or vaccine for the HIV virus... and poverty? Well, really, there are many causes, including, actually, fundamentalist Islam, which actually keeps the majority of Muslims poor while clerics, oil sheiks, kings, etc... are so rich that they often crap into solid gold toilets and that sort of thing...)
Simply sitting at a table and babbling gaily in the presence of these supremacistic, murderously barbaric, cruel, incredibly evil, warring, world-domination-intent IslamoNazis... or doing nothing at all... will make matters worse, not better. But Jacko Laytoon apparently doesn't possess the minimum amount of intelligence required to understand this... he doesn't understand the essence of the enemy and what makes the enemy the way it is. Or does he simply not care?
Does being stupid really feel so good to Jack Layton and people like him that they deliberately refuse to use their intellectual potential for fear that it'll hurt?
Hmm... it's like smoking... which is addictive and really hard to quit, as I've seen in many, many folks, for they find nicotine withdrawal too painful somehow to stop, regardless of the deleterious health effects... left-wing stupidity seems to be very similar an addiction and similarly difficult a habit to beat... weaker-willed folks will, therefore, likely remain stupid leftists forever... but, hey, this is the Free World, and, well, what can we do, except try to convince then that it's okay and will feel good and be much more beneficial to learn to think for themselves.
After all, thinking for oneself is part of what freedom is all about!
Anyway... this... stupid, stupid, leftist man... must be criticized for his unhelpful moronicity... folks like him really shouldn't be getting elected to such positions and be paid with our tax dollars to say such assinine, deleterious, destructive things with which many folks will automatically agree, as, after all, that's the nature of left-wing extremists... which is to be submissive to leftist dogma.
Unfortunately, there're enough left-wing extremists (and even non-extreme -but still stupid- leftists) out there to elect such poopheaded clowns as Jack Layton.