Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I Will Not Submit

Translation: "I will not submit"

See Michelle Malkin's post.

Save that image and use it whenever you wish to issue a message to possible jihadists reading your blog.

It will drive home the clear idea that they're in for a real fight. They will hopefully realize that, despite whatever they've been told, we're not all a bunch of wimpy lefty Dhimmis obediently standing in line for conversion/enslavement/slaughter, as the jihadists apparently believe.

They want a fight to the death? Ok, they'll get one. All they have to do is mess with us... and we'll really get rolling! Just like those who fought back to the death on United Flight 93.

Here's another clear message I recommend issuing to jihadists:

As for the Dhimmis: they can go fornicate amongst themselves. We have no use for those who would surrender humanity and civilization to evil.