An email I recently received has prompted me to make this post which I believe an important one. Recall the Tsunami that ravaged some SouthEast Asian nations on Boxing Day 2004. Sri Lanka was one of the affected nations.
This post references the Canada Free Press (CFP) report by Judi McLeod, which is a must-read, as the MSM hasn't bothered with telling us about this crassly broken promise of Paul Martin to poor, suffering tsunami survivors much, if at all. The MSM widely covered the promise, but has so far refused to cover its inexplicable breaking.
Liberal Prime Minister Paul Martin on January 3, 2005 promised $425 million to Sri Lankans in an opportunistic photo-op. The money hasn't reached Sri Lankans, who continue to suffer to this day.
There's a damning video taken at that photo-op which was, as far as I'm aware, never broadcast by the MSM. The CFP provides this video. It might be necessary to download some free DivX software (DivX is a popular digital format these days, available on some newer DVD players and the software download was safe and free of viruses, etc. for my PC) to enable your PC to show the video. This video shows Paul Martin in a very different light than the one in which we see him in the MSM. There's physical intimidation of the Canadian press representatives by Martin's RCMP bodyguards, apparently to prevent the taking of photographs and the asking of questions. And that's just one example of the appalling behavior of Martin and the RCMP. If only more people could know what kind of man Paul Martin really is... I recommend this video to all. It's an eye-opener, I found. Many people, I believe, will have a different opinion of Paul Martin once they view this video.
Important to note: over $40 million of this $425 million was donated by Canadians voluntarily out of their own pockets.
The person who sent me the email that prompted me to do this post said:
I'm kind of upset about this because my own children worked to raise money in their schools to help out.
I don't understand why this is not "news".....MSM News that is?
Wonder what Paul Martin would say to these children?
The name Maurice Strong once again arises. There's an explanation of the significance of Maurice Strong here.
CFP states:
Award-winning Canadian documentary journalist Garth Pritchard has been asking questions for a long time now about whatever happened to the money.
Well, Paul Martin? Well, United Nations? Where's all the money the people have given to help those in need? Did you people take it to enrich yourselves?
Has a massive crime been committed?
Paul Martin has something big, big, big to answer for here.
The name Maurice Strong once again arises. There's an explanation of the significance of Maurice Strong here.
CFP states:
The Canadian $425-million was to have been administered by CIDA (Canadian International Development Agency). Canadian Maurice Strong, an advisor to both UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and Prime Minister Paul Martin is the founder of CIDA.
With the whitewash of the UN Oil-for-Food scandal ongoing, should anyone be surprised that a two-month investigation by the Financial Times has also found that several UN agencies are still refusing to disclose details of their relief expenditure–in spite of earlier pledges of transparency by senior UN officials?
Award-winning Canadian documentary journalist Garth Pritchard has been asking questions for a long time now about whatever happened to the money.
Pritchard, in Sri Lanka at the invitation of DART, says Canadian soldiers watched in disbelief as white SUVs roared up and down the coastal highway with the UN flag and the UN logo in black letters on the doors.
"They were showing their UN presence, but they never stopped. In the end, the local people formed human barricades to stop these vehicles. They were worried that the SUVs were traveling at such a high speed, they posed a danger to children."
One year later, many tsunami victims are still exposed to the elements scrounging for food. " Billions of dollars are out there somewhere, but the people are still with nothing," Pritchard says.
"It seems that the meager food that they had been allotted was to be cut off in December. One man states the obvious: `I live in a tent. I scrounge every day. My family is dead. I can’t say that I’ll be in a house soon, because they keep saying they’re going
to build some housing for us. But they haven’t started yet. And really, we don’t know if they will.’"
Well, Paul Martin? Well, United Nations? Where's all the money the people have given to help those in need? Did you people take it to enrich yourselves?
Has a massive crime been committed?
Paul Martin has something big, big, big to answer for here.