Liberal Leader Paul Martin, above, realizing that he won't eke out a squeaker on the night of Monday, January 23rd, ekes out a relieving squeak, perhaps in preemptive consolation for his impending downfall from artificial grandeur. Why else is there no one standing behind him in the picture?
Heh-heh... check this out... poor old Paulie Martin is babbling nonsense sound bites he got from his incompetent advisors. He's claiming that "moderate" conservatism is "dead as disco". Talking about disco. Hmm... one anachronism alluding to another.
We know he's barking at the moon. We Conservatives have already been judged, apparently, by Canadians as "moderate" enough for their votes, according to all recent polling. And deservedly so, as we've done much hard work to earn the peoples' respect whereas the Libranos have squandered that which they once undeservedly enjoyed and took for granted all the way into the first half of the current campaign.
Canadians don't want to be taken for granted anymore! And they're going to teach the Liberals a very painful lesson. It's happened before in Canada, not too long ago, after all, and those who suffered the punishment at the hands of the voters have learned the lessons of arrogance and cavalier ignorance of the people and are highly unlikely to repeat their long-ago mistakes. But first the Liberals necessarily have to experience the pain of lengthy political exile from power.
Unfortunately, we see from Paul Martin's arrogance and boisterous predictions of victory on January 23rd that he hasn't learned a bloody thing. We the people know what we must now do. Vote 'em way out! Vote Conservative... vote for those who understand the needs and wants of ordinary Canadians, rather than focussing on oneselves and one's cronies, like the Liberals always have.
Canadians have finally judged the Liberals as not deserving their vote, largely seeing the "Liberal" brand as radioactive political waste to be buried for a very long time. Talk about "dead as disco".
Paulie also claims that Conservatives haven't been allowed to speak their minds in the campaign. Come on, Paulie... we know very well that Liberals, when whipped, won't speak their true views publicly and very, very rarely will vote their or their constituents' minds in Commons votes except as ordered by yourself via your caucus whip. Another case of accusing the man in the mirror of stuff! Poor, pitiful old Paulie.
At least he has plenty of money... and there's always golf!
Buh-bye, Paulie! It's been grand!