I came across this story today and was unmitigatedly disgusted and astonished at the sheer audacity of "Liberal" Leader Paul Martin.
He's claiming that front-running rival Conservative Leader Stephen Harper would essentially take from the "poor" via taxes and give to the "rich" via taxes. Lying bastard.
His own record is one of taking from the poor and giving to the rich. Anyone who is "poor", including, arguably, myself, who bothers to look at their paystub to see what Martin takes off, knows this for a fact. It's astonishing to add up the total deductions. There's income tax, CPP and EI deductions. Martin previously as Finance Minister raised the CPP premiums deducted from everyones' paychecks while reducing the available benefits. And the rich pay no premiums above a certain level, around $35,000. Theoretically, one can receive CPP benefits after age 67, but then only to a maximum of around $8,000. Who today can really live a decent, comfortable life on that amount, let alone so far off into the future for so many people who today are less than half Paul Martin's age? And then there's EI. Martin has never cut the premiums even close to the level at which they equal requirements and therefore took dozens of extra billions of dollars from working people and blew it all so he could claim to have eliminated the deficit.
Oh, and it's a well-known fact that Martin himself has deliberately avoided paying millions of dollars in taxes in Canada by registering his ships under foreign flags. So much for his claims of having "love" for Canada. Yep, he's a real Canadian patriot, isn't he?
Also, it's well-known from all the scandals and the evidence surrounding the approximately 35 criminal investigations now ongoing into his government that his regime has been giving unnecessary money to his rich cronies via contracts for little or no work which paid a ludicrously high amount relative to any services claimed to have been rendered. We've heard countless details in the news about this, including this disgusting, sickening, infuriating example.
Martin also pompously and unclearly asserted:
"If Stephen Harper is elected prime minister next Monday, Canada will not come to an end. But it will be different."
What's that supposed to mean anyway? I'll tell y'all. It means that Canada will see a government that is NOT based on the values of Liberals which are crime, corruption, greed, dishonesty, gluttony, cavalier uncaring, being soft on violent and organized crime, providing a safe haven for terrorists, wasting billions and billions of dollars on worthless pursuits and via unbelievable inefficiency in everything, starving the Armed Forces to the brink of total collapse, starving the RCMP so badly they're short at least 2000 personnel (no wonder they're taking so long to investigate the criminal wrongdoing of Martin's regime), and the list goes on far too long to continue here... See here for everything, including the latest updates, and set aside the rest of the week to go over it all.
Martin audaciously claimed of Mr. Harper's tax cut plans:
"Mr. Harper won't say where the cuts will come from," he said. "So we must look to his record."
Well, Mr. Harper's "record" is clear: he's always, in word and in deed, demonstrated his committment to fiscal conservativism and is a trained economist whereas Paul Martin is just a multimillionaire industrialist who avoided paying Canadian taxes and came to power for the sake of power and nothing more.
We've examined Martin's own record. He's casting stones in his glass house here. It's obvious where the "cuts" will come from: the ever-increasing surpluses that happen even though Martin ratchets up spending by many billions each year, beating the previous years' all-time records for budgetary spending. The "cuts" will also be supported by the elimination of all the waste and inefficiency of which we're well aware in the Martin regime.
Martin so far this campaign has never offered any evidence to support his criticism of the Conservative economic and fiscal plan for governing Canada, which is officially endorsed by the Conference Board of Canada, which also asked for the Liberals' own claimed plans, which they never provided. So Harper's plan is sound whereas Martin's plan is imaginary and being made up on the fly, rather than being planned out and costed beforehand. And he wants your vote so he can continue his crooked ways and enrich himself and his cronies by exploiting Canada and Canadians.
Martin has always also grossly underestimated all annual surpluses; therefore he cannot possibly understand the nation's finances as well as he claims.
Paul Martin, for lying about "taking from the poor and giving to the rich", can go screw himself. And stop screwing Canada.
Stand up for Canada. Vote Conservative.