Canadian voters, above left, react to a surprised Paul Martin, above right, following his inexplicable promise of Monday night's debate to open up the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to, if re-elected, remove the Notwithstanding Clause, which makes Canada unique in that it provides the elected representatives of the people an emergency weapon against a Supreme Court ruling which goes against their rights or is made contrary to their values. Ironically, Martin, who has made it clear that he personally doesn't like the American system of governance, would, in so doing, make Canada just like America in that the Supreme Court would have the absolute final say in everything, and there would be nothing anyone could do about it. However, the difference then would be that in Canada it is Paul Martin who himself, never being required to justify his choices, installs the judges for life, themselves never being scrutinized for any hidden partisan/social agendas. The people are right to react with consternation, horror and dread to Paul Martin's sheer stupidity and insanity.
Only the photographs above are made up. The rest is not. It's the truth.
Be very afraid of Paul Martin's Liberals. What else do they have planned for Canada? If they're re-elected, we won't recognize Canada anymore. In fact, the Canada we knew before they came to power in 1993 is nearly gone, replaced with a regime ruled by criminals', terrorists', despotic dictatorial foreign regimes' and special left-wing interests' wishes.
Be very afraid.