During an exchange with NDP leader Jack Layton, Liberal Leader Paul Martin lost his temper and became angry, arms flailing wildly.
Mr. Layton had questioned Mr. Martin as to his failure to disclose the names of all persons who had donated money to his Liberal leadership campaign prior to his becoming Prime Minister following the resignation of Former Liberal PM Jean Chretien.
This is ironic, since Mr. Martin's own people have been going around slamming Conservative leader Stephen Harper as allegedly being "angry", as if implying that normal people don't get angry, therefore Mr. Harper must not be normal? Well, I would say to the Liberals and to Mr. Martin, since Mr. Martin lost his temper and became angry and agitated so easily at a question also asked of Mr. Harper in the same debate which Mr. Harper answered perfectly calmly that all of his contributors names were voluntarily disclosed by himself, then it would logically stand to reason that Mr. Martin isn't normal. So unless the Liberals wish to concede that Mr. Martin is a wildly angry, abnormal person, they should cease and desist with their assininely childish taunts of "Stephen's angry, Stephen's angry" for once and for all.
See, Liberals are childish. No surprise there, since they govern Canada as would the youngsters in the famous book, "Lord of the Flies".