Thanks to astute, sharp-eyed commentor Bruce Randall, who provided me with links I requested of him, I provide them for you to read for yourself. As when Bruce mentioned it the other day in the comments of another blog, it was the very first time I became aware of the fact of cocaine having been smuggled aboard a ship belonging to Liberal leader Paul Martin's now-in-the-hands-of-his-sons Canada Steamship Lines, I thought it might also be the first many others heard of it. The people have a right to know of such things, so here we go:
You judge for yourself. Ask yourself: "Why did the police so astonishingly quickly tell the MSM that the owner of the ship, Paul Martin, had nothing to do with the smuggling of the drug on board his ship? How could the police be so certain? After all, if someone had planted illegal drugs into your boat or car and they were discovered by drug-sniffing dogs, would the police immediately assume, without any apparent investigation, that you knew nothing of it? Hmmm...