Saddam still refuses to behave like a reasonable defendant. Any surprise there? He's still hellbent on screeching, Carolyn Parrish-style, anti-American nonsense in the courtroom. Seems the judge is getting fed up with it and warned that the trial could very well continue without the defendant present.
Stupid Saddam. What does he hope to accomplish with his crazed, pompous bluster? Just for illustration purposes, here's a couple of pictures of the murderous scumbag:

Above: Saddam Hussein in court for his butcherous tyranny. He looks like he thinks he's in control or something. What on earth could he be looking so cool for? After all, not too long ago, he was pulled, as a filthy rat, which he is, from a hole in the ground following the international coalition's operations to remove him from power. Let's have a look at where he's been prior to being given the opportunity to have a shower, a trim, and some decent clothing, things which he denied many of his own people for so long, at least when he wasn't having them evilly tortured and executed:

Above: Saddam shortly after his apprehension by American forces. The man holding Saddam is actually an Iraqi who fled to America and later returned to help the Americans as a translator to locate the ratty old dictator following the fall of his horrible regime. Saddam had had the man's family killed, and he actually got to help catch the one responsibe. I wonder how it feels to do that? Finding the scumbag and having him like that on the ground? The ratty old scumbag has far worse coming to him. Here's a couple more photos:
Above left: Saddam some time following his capture, handcuffed in a normal-looking room. He doesn't look all that scary, eh? Looks like some vagrant from the street. He also, interestingly, looks like serial killer Charles Manson, above right. Center: Usama Bin Laden, still at large and continuing to issue threats to the world and orders to his brainless, murder-intent minions. What is it with mass murderers and beards? And don't forget about Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran. He seems to be the most dangerous of them all right now, with full control of a whole country and intent to use nuclear weapons against the rest of the world... offensively, not defensively, mind y'all. Wonder if the left is listening? Wonder if the left cares at all? Does the left want these bearded fuckers to be allowed to go free and wreak their murderous tyranny upon humanity? What kind of an ideal would that be? Man, is the left ever so scary, isn't it?
And now we also have Hamas in charge in "Palestine". Just what the world needs: another Taliban. And they're connected as allies with Iran, which is connected in turn to North Korea.
All the more reason to ensure the left doesn't return to power for a long, long time! If ever, that is.