Yes, you read that right. Holy Heaven... the loathsome, ultra-far-left-wing Liberal regime of Paul Martin has done the extreme and bizarre yet again with the money they steal from each and every one of us in the form of excessive taxation.
They did a $150,000 study ordered by the "Justice" Department and "Status of Women Canada". It's just basically a paper by three "law professors" who have recommended that the federal government legalize polygamy in Canada.
Read the shocking details here.
So the Paul Martin Liberals are actually wasting my and your hard-earned and easily stolen money by seriously looking into actually continuing their dangerous, devil-may-care social engineering projects, this time by making it a right and a "Canadian value" to marry multiple persons at the same time.
Here we go again with the ultra extreme leftist insanity perpetuated by the Paul Martin Liberals, this time by one of the lawyers involved in this sinister moonbat project:
Chief author Martha Bailey says criminalizing polygamy, typically a marriage involving one man and several wives, serves no good purpose and prosecutions could do damage to the women and children in such relationships.
``Why criminalize the behaviour?'' she said in an interview. ``We don't criminalize adultery.``In light of the fact that we have a fairly permissive society, why are we singling out that particular form of behaviour for criminalization?''
Well, that really does make the case, doesn't it, eh? Mon dieu, I don't have to explain to the reasonable person the sheer illogic of the above statements. Hoo-boy... I cannot believe how much more bizarre these moonbats' minds become the longer they're fed at the trough by the Paul Martin Liberals our tax dollars, which we never imagined would be used for something so brobdingnagianly assinine.
Polygamy is illegal for many reasons the reasonable person can come up with for oneself. Most important of all, polygamy isn't something that, although it's been practiced for perhaps centuries or millenia, has been proven to be of any benefit to any society as a whole.
The only form of marriage proven over the history of humanity to provide a "foundation" upon which to build society is the union of one man and one woman with the reasonable expectation that they plan to have children and raise them in a safe, loving, nurturing, proven values-based environment without excessive, unnecessary complications.
Can we afford to take a risk and find out if the Liberals will force polygamous marriage upon Canada? We know from experience with this extreme left-wing bunch of "Liberals" that they will do anything it takes to advance their arrogant dogmas and those of their allies, no matter who they may be (after all, remember Chretien's friendship with Suharto and Castro, plus his intervention to free the elder Khadr, an Al-Qaeda terrorist and close friend of Osama Bin Laden from prison in Pakistan? Remember Paul Martin's bold association with the known terrorist group the LTTE? And there's so much more!)
I didn't make this up. You saw the link for yourself to the news article. And you recall the news reports of the dictator/terrorist connections of both Liberal Prime Ministers since 1993.
Of course the Paul Martin Liberals will deny this. Of course. But they also voted against same-sex marriage only a few years ago. And then they had their appointed Liberal crony judges declare it a "human right" and all that, without reference to anything in the Charter. Yes, that's right... the Liberal regime actually claimed that it's in the Charter, but those of us who bothered to read it for ourselves know it isn't. And then they forced the legislation on Canada via whipping the Cabinet, disallowing a free vote.
So we know they'll do it somehow. Because it'll bring them more political support from yet another special interest group.
We should be very worried about the Paul Martin Liberals for this as well as the mountain range of reasons of which we're already aware.
Choose your Canada.