Now the Liberals are really looking scary.
The Canada Free Press has done this excellent research and reporting expose on the Paul Martin Liberals' hidden agenda to take away Canadians' property rights in keeping with their apparent communist dogmas.
Read the whole report and follow the links to see for yourself the Liberals' ominous plans for Canada.
And you'll see why Paul Martin's Liberals refuse to include property rights in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and why Paul Martin has been fearmongering and illogically claiming that property rights would somehow "violate child labor laws" or something without explaining why he was saying it.
Stephen Harper has promised to entrench property rights into the Charter. Good for him; in Canada, a free and democratic nation, we truly must have our right to our own property protected by the Charter, otherwise the state, as desired by the Liberals, New Democrats and Bloc Quebecois, will be able to proceed to confiscate peoples' land, robbing them of their livelihoods and the enjoyment of that which belongs to them. And if land can be confiscated, everything else can therefore be confiscated. It's a slippery slope. We already have the Liberals confiscating our hard-earned income and using most of it for whatever they please rather than what we expect them to do with it in order to provide necessary services, namely infrastructure, law and order, medical services, national security and defense, etc. But while the Liberals have been enriching themselves and their cronies and squirreling away unknown billions upon billions in "foundations" of varous monikers of which we're forbidden to know, these necessary services are being effectively allowed to crumble and become little more than a mechanism to transfer tax dollars to employees of the state to have employment without adequate resources with which to properly and adequately perform their critical duties, all the while seeing their workplaces going wanting for thousands of critically required staff.
Like all communist regimes throughout history, the Paul Martin Liberals promise to do their job, to run the country properly and efficiently and to take care of everyone, providing employment, top-quality healthcare and education, enforce laws, administer justice with a blind eye, defend the country against all threats, protect our rights and enhance our standard of living.
But the Liberals do none of that! They, as we well know now, regardless of the extraordinarily high rates of taxation for citizens and businesses and their widespread coverage across the economy, raking incredible surpluses of cash into the Liberal treasury, they cavalierly ignore all necessities as listed in the paragraph above which comprise their core responsibilities while paying them lip service in the MSM, claiming everything's fine, don't worry, be happy, and if you change the government, the world will end in a day. Such propaganda! It's exactly what iron-fisted communist regimes the world over have always attempted to stamp into the peoples' consciousness, an evil, inhuman tactic always doomed to fail.
That's the evil tactic they've been using in their false, misleading, pejorative, negative "attack" election ads. It's the very sort of thing we'd expect from brutally-controlled communist regimes such as the former Soviet Union, China, North Korea, Cuba, Iran, Syria, etc...
The Paul Martin Liberals will do anything to stay in power, and it looks now as if they're planning to go even more aggressively negative in their attacks in the final week of the campaign. I wonder how far they'll go? Will they use the tools and agencies of the state? Will they intimidate the MSM? Will they commit crimes? Will they fabricate "evidence"? Will they pay people to "come forward" with false claims against their political opponents? The possibilities are endless.
We must stand on guard for thee. We must not allow the Liberals to get away with anything!
We must vote to get the Liberals out of power now!
Paul Martin and the Liberals are asking us to choose our Canada. They might as well ask us to choose our flag, too.
The Canada Free Press has done this excellent research and reporting expose on the Paul Martin Liberals' hidden agenda to take away Canadians' property rights in keeping with their apparent communist dogmas.
Read the whole report and follow the links to see for yourself the Liberals' ominous plans for Canada.
And you'll see why Paul Martin's Liberals refuse to include property rights in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and why Paul Martin has been fearmongering and illogically claiming that property rights would somehow "violate child labor laws" or something without explaining why he was saying it.
Stephen Harper has promised to entrench property rights into the Charter. Good for him; in Canada, a free and democratic nation, we truly must have our right to our own property protected by the Charter, otherwise the state, as desired by the Liberals, New Democrats and Bloc Quebecois, will be able to proceed to confiscate peoples' land, robbing them of their livelihoods and the enjoyment of that which belongs to them. And if land can be confiscated, everything else can therefore be confiscated. It's a slippery slope. We already have the Liberals confiscating our hard-earned income and using most of it for whatever they please rather than what we expect them to do with it in order to provide necessary services, namely infrastructure, law and order, medical services, national security and defense, etc. But while the Liberals have been enriching themselves and their cronies and squirreling away unknown billions upon billions in "foundations" of varous monikers of which we're forbidden to know, these necessary services are being effectively allowed to crumble and become little more than a mechanism to transfer tax dollars to employees of the state to have employment without adequate resources with which to properly and adequately perform their critical duties, all the while seeing their workplaces going wanting for thousands of critically required staff.
Like all communist regimes throughout history, the Paul Martin Liberals promise to do their job, to run the country properly and efficiently and to take care of everyone, providing employment, top-quality healthcare and education, enforce laws, administer justice with a blind eye, defend the country against all threats, protect our rights and enhance our standard of living.
But the Liberals do none of that! They, as we well know now, regardless of the extraordinarily high rates of taxation for citizens and businesses and their widespread coverage across the economy, raking incredible surpluses of cash into the Liberal treasury, they cavalierly ignore all necessities as listed in the paragraph above which comprise their core responsibilities while paying them lip service in the MSM, claiming everything's fine, don't worry, be happy, and if you change the government, the world will end in a day. Such propaganda! It's exactly what iron-fisted communist regimes the world over have always attempted to stamp into the peoples' consciousness, an evil, inhuman tactic always doomed to fail.
That's the evil tactic they've been using in their false, misleading, pejorative, negative "attack" election ads. It's the very sort of thing we'd expect from brutally-controlled communist regimes such as the former Soviet Union, China, North Korea, Cuba, Iran, Syria, etc...
The Paul Martin Liberals will do anything to stay in power, and it looks now as if they're planning to go even more aggressively negative in their attacks in the final week of the campaign. I wonder how far they'll go? Will they use the tools and agencies of the state? Will they intimidate the MSM? Will they commit crimes? Will they fabricate "evidence"? Will they pay people to "come forward" with false claims against their political opponents? The possibilities are endless.
We must stand on guard for thee. We must not allow the Liberals to get away with anything!
We must vote to get the Liberals out of power now!
Paul Martin and the Liberals are asking us to choose our Canada. They might as well ask us to choose our flag, too.
Choose your Canada.
Choose your flag.