So the Liberals are claiming that the Conservatives' plans for the future will lead to a deficit? Does it surprise anyone that the Liberals would say something like that? After all, the Liberals always underestimate the annual budget surplus by billions, all the while ratcheting up overall government spending by many billions of dollars each year. Surely the Tories wouldn't be as irresponsible as the Liberals, who simply toss money around without any real plan as to how exactly it shall be spent. And there's the billions upon billions of tax dollars we know they waste with reckless abandon.
The Tories' plans are reasonable and realistic while reflecting the concerns and needs of the average Canadian. In fact, the Conference Board of Canada says there wouldn't be any deficit with the Tories' plan.
The Conservatives will release their complete platform later this week. This begs the question: how can Paul Martin possibly, credibly claim he knows exactly what the financial details are? Did he have someone steal a copy of a document and pass it on to him? Hopefully not, for he already gets compared to former US president Richard Nixon of Watergate fame. But one never knows with this bunch we dub the "Libranos" (with plenty of good reason!)
The Liberals have been causing overall budget expenditures to break the previous years' spending records each year for a while now. Yet the surpluses continue to roll in. Either they're cooking the books or they're taxing Canadians far, far, far too much while giving back precious little. So, what good is it to pay too much tax if we don't see any positive, concrete results stemming therefrom? Why do they need to take so much and toss out so much? Why don't they just focus on the important stuff, can the stuff we don't need and don't want and return the surpluses via tax relief and debt repayment?
What we want is for government to reinvest in what's important to the average Canadian, for example, ensuring timely, world-leading medical care for all regardless of income, rebuilding the Armed Forces to prepare Canada for the unthinkable which we know has and probably will happen again, rebuild the RCMP into a very effective, quick-acting law-enforcement and investigative force, invest in the restoration of federal accountability and integrity, reinvest in infrastructure (not the Liberals' ludicrous ideas thereof, but actual infrastructure, for heaven's sake!).
We've had more than enough of the waste, arrogance, crime, corruption and unmitigated greed of the unscrupulous, scary-as-hell, scoundrels who claim to be "Liberals".
We cannot afford continued Liberal rule.
Stand up for Canada. Vote Conservative!