Friday, November 17, 2006

WalMart Selling Offensive Sex Book

Shocking story here.

A book that family organizations in Canada had warned about just weeks ago has found its way into the Wal-Mart stock list, and while it calls God a "fat black dyke" and provides how-to information for same-sex experimentation, the store says it's the "stuff youth need to know."


While Wal-Mart calls it "a great mix of real-life examples and life-saving info," it includes sections called, "My First Time F---ing a Girl" and other obscenities. It has information on "safe" sex devices and assures its audience that condoms are 100 percent effective in preventing sexually transmitted diseases, even though the World Health Organization, a longtime condom supporter, admits they fail one out of five times.

The alarm about the book initially was raised by Joseph Ben-Ami, the executive director of the Institute for Canadian Values, who told WND this fall that Canadian officials were considering using the book in public schools.

"We have to find a way to stop this from happening," Ben-Ami told WND at the time. "People don't know this is happening."

The graphic manual promotes lesbianism to young girls, gives explicit instructions for engaging in oral or anal sexual acts and instructs girls that only 10 percent of the population is heterosexual.

Read it all.

This makes me sick, angry and appalled. Doesn't it make you feel the same? (Moonbats need not answer, for I know they'll think it's just fine and that it's also fine for schools to potentially require the book be read by children... anything to "teach tolerance" for "different" folks, they'll illogically "reason").

WalMart won't sell Playboy magazine, but it will sell the kind of filth in question here, which is arguably far, far, far more harmful to children and society than simple, tasteful pictures of lovely women who simply have no clothes on, which is the worst one will find in Playboy... and, yes, I've done a bit of, um... ah, research into that magazine, so I know what I'm talking about. At least Playboy doesn't tell girls to run around in public naked and it isn't required "reading" for schoolchildren, or even tolerated for possession by minors! Oh, no... our society's supposedly too prude! Or is it? I just don't know anymore, now that WalMart sells the book in question depicting all that bizarre fornication and hate propaganda against Christianity!

WalMart won't even sell non-pornographic mens' publications such as FHM as they're "deemed offensive to women" and to conservative people. Or so WalMart claims. So why does WalMart, which used to claim to be big on family values, now push a radically extreme book of unnecessary, offensive homosexual fornication and dangerous dogmatism? Did the gays threaten legal action or a negative public campaign against WalMart if it were to refuse? Who knows?

And don't forget that the book is also offensive to JudeoChristians- it mocks God. Why doesn't it instead say that Allah is a "fat, black dyke"? I dare the gays and WalMart to attack the Islamic "god", too, despite the fact that the Islamic community will go around having violent, murderous riots and suing everybody as a result!

Is WalMart submitting to fascist homoorthodoxy?

This bullshit just keeps happening all over the place, every danged day! What the hell is wrong with Western society these days? What the hell is wrong with so many people? Why the double standards all over the place favoring the leftists, the gays and the Muslims? Are they the only people worthy of fascistic, dogmatic political correctness-mandated submissive acquiescence (which is really what is meant by leftists when they say "tolerance, "respect" and "sensitivity").


Disgusting. Immoral. Unethical. Offensive. Hateful.

Radically extreme leftist "gay" lies, pure, unadulterated, hurtful propaganda.

In Canada.

I didn't make this up.

Choose your Canada. Reject "liberalism". Don't vote Liberal, NDP, Green, or Bloc. They're all far too radically extreme and unfit to represent Canadians. Particularly the Liberals, who put in place the leftist state apparatus which is making all this happen despite the fact that a Conservative government is now in power and really cannot stop all of these radically deleterious things from happening. It's just so overwhelming, like a speeding train without brakes... and if the Liberals are re-elected, they're goint to expand the leftist state apparatus. What's next, special supremacy status for radical sexual minorities and Sharia Law? Can anyone prove the left wouldn't go that far? They already undemocratically forced gay marriage upon Canada so quickly the world barely noticed it was happening!

UPDATE: WalMart has cancelled the book. h//t: BB-Idaho for the heads-up.

Apparently myself and WND aren't the only ones who've spoken up loudly about this serious issue. and the conservative blogosphere have scored a victory over radical leftwing extremism!

Hear us roar!