Stories here, here and here. There's also a video.
If the ACLU isn't a hate group, then there are no hate groups. The KKK isn't a hate group, either... nor Al Qaeda, nor the Nazis... yeah, right, suuuure!
The ACLU singles out Christianity for censorship. No other religion is targeted by the ACLU. No group favored by the left is ever a target of the ACLU.
Hey, why doesn't someone sue to ban Muslim symbols? Sikh symbols? Homosexual symbols? Communist symbols? Why not? Because they're protected under the Constitution of the United States of America... but Christianity obviously isn't... at least according to the ACLU and the CORRUPT, HATEFUL LEFTIST JUDGES who agree with this hate group.
The ACLU is a hate group.
Spread the word. Don't be afraid. Fear no evil! They cannot sue millions upon millions of Christians. Oh, no... that'd be impossible! Besides, the Canadian Sentinel has no money, no net worth, in fact... they'd have to stand in line behind all my creditors to get... nothing!
The worst they could possibly do would be to sue Blogger/Google to shut me down and delete my blog. But two problems with that: if they do so, they only make matters worse for themselves, proving that they're intolerant of criticism, much like the Nazis and the Islamic fascists... plus I can always move on to another blog provider and start anew... and I'm not alone. There's many others who would love to go to war against the hateful, anti-Christ ACLU. As it is written, Onward, Christian soldiers!
Update: I just thought of this: the ACLU and the leftwing activist judge who helped them with their hatred have desecrated a protected religious symbol. Yes, this is desecration.
Remember what the Taliban did to the Buddhist statue? They blew it up! What's the difference? Hate is hate is hate!
Why doesn't the ACLU, say, support peoples' right to draw cartoons of Mohammed? Why the hell not? Isn't freedom of expression supposed to be a "civil liberty"?
Apparently the ACLU is not about civil liberties at all.
They're about hate. Pure and simple.
The ACLU must, therefore, be banned! The Free World cannot tolerate hate groups!