Miramichi's 2009 National Acadian Day took on an added dimension when a black GMC Yukon with the word 'HYBRID' emblazoned on the side rolled up to the party and out stepped Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff.Ignatieff, joined by his wife Susanna, Beauséjour MP Dominic LeBlanc, and Madawaska-Restigouche MP Jean-Claude D'Amours, stopped into Miramichi on the tail-end of his seven-day Maritime tour, and spent roughly two hours mingling with the crowd, posing for pictures and signing copies of his book.
Compulsory "green" optics. Check.
Pushing his book. Check.
"I've been on fishing wharves, I've talked to lobsterman, I've been to potato farms, I've had a cow named after my wife, so that was a highlight," he said.
Cow. Named after wife. Check. Plan to sleep on couch tonight. Check.
"Our party supports maintaining a gun registry, we support the employment it provides in Miramichi, we believe it's a gun registry that should apply to all weapons," he said.
Wants to register "all weapons". Check. Plan to register baseball bats, brass knuckles, fists, feet, teeth, his Personal Partisan Attack Clown Warren Kinsella, doberman pinschers, race cards, Big Media. Check.
Throwing away lots of votes nationwide to buy a few votes in one riding. Check.
Look who's backing Ignatieff:

Yup. He's in bad company.

Yep, gun control is racist, among other bad things. That's why Democrats/Liberals favor gun control. So that they can control their victims, whoever they are (ie. the majority of the population, who oppose their fascist agenda). Remember that it was Obama's party, the Democratic Party, who created the Ku Klux Klan.
Michael Ignatieff favors gun control. Obviously, his rise to power is more important than civil rights, freedom from state tyranny and personal safety, as far as he's concerned.
Remember the following civil rights outrage? Taking children away from their law-abiding guardians at machine-gun point to deport them to totalitarian communist countries. That's what liberals also believe in.