Thursday, October 30, 2008

"Progressives" Manipulated Mentally Challenged To Vote Obama?

That would be nasty, reprehensible. This is what's supposed to be "progressive"?

SONORA, CA - The California Republican party is asking the secretary of state to investigate an organized voting campaign involving developmentally disabled adults in Tuolumne County.

As many as ten clients of the Thumbs Up! adult care center have already cast absentee ballots under the supervision of center director David Simerley, and nearly all of them were for Barack Obama.


"What kind of people would do this to somebody like that," asked Sam Rascon, who discovered his son had registered and voted only after seeing him with an Obama button last Thursday. "He wouldn't know one candidate from another."

News10 spoke to Michael Rascon at the Thumbs Up! center about the election. When asked which candidate he'd voted for, Rascon answered "the black man." He was unable to remember Obama's name.

I would certainly hope that self-labelled "Progressives" wouldn't do such a nasty, mean thing.

One can't help but wonder about this, especially in light of the shocking hatred we've seen expressed by self-labelled "Progressives" against Sarah Palin, who chose to have a baby who happens to have Down's Syndrome. Is this why "Progressives" hate Mrs. Palin so much, because she loves her son no matter what? Or is it because she's a Christian? Or is it because she's not a so-called "Progressive"? Why do they hate her so much? We don't know- they never said... they just express hatred, period. In fact, I doubt even they know why they're so full of hatred for Mrs. Palin, themselves. Such is the nature of mental affectation by influential, ironically trusted, others.

This is disturbing. It's a lot like what happened to many, many Germans under the Third Reich being manipulated by the Goebbels Big Lie propaganda campaign into simply hating Jewish people... Today's "Progressives" apparently haven't "progressed" as human beings beyond the guillible Germanfolk who were brainwashed by Hitler's incredibly evil ideology being propagated all over the place, everywhere they went... much like we see the brand-new, unknown, untested, mysterious, silver-tongued orator Barack Hussein Obama being propagated by the MSM to the American electorate as America's Savior or whatever equally unbelievable!

One can't help but wonder what kind of people comprise the visible movement self-labelled "Progressive" (meaning, in reality, socialists/communists). Are these people evil? Hateful? I ask because they express such shocking hatred, including the moron who lynched Mrs. Palin in effigy without explaining why on Earth he'd do such a horrible, shocking thing (Really, "It's Halloween" doesn't suffice!).

When I say "visible movement", I'm referring to those prominent "Progressive" folks we see and hear about in the mainstream media, including on the newsmedia, in sitcoms, dramas, movies, etc., as contrasted with ordinary folks who merely allow themselves to be told what to think/believe/how to vote by those de-facto opinion/propaganda-mongers. These opinion/propaganda-mongers include some of the more radical Leftists in the mainstream media (MSM) and amongst celebrities, like actors and talk-show hosts. We've especially been granted the pleasure of hearing the shocking hatred being spewed forth from the collagen-puffed lips of ditzy, wealthy celebrities who, we note, always fail to explain why they say such horrible things about Mrs. Palin.

One cannot avoid the conclusion: Progressives are prejudiced to the extent of being hateful, period!

I just hope the report of "Progressives" manipulating the mentally challenged into voting Obama isn't true. But if it is, they should be exposed and appropriately sanctioned under the law.