Thursday, October 09, 2008

Harper Calmly Responds To Panicky Leftist Opponents

Prime Minister Stephen Harper, above, calmly explains that panic and rash tax-and-spend overreactions are not going to do anything to help weather any potential economic slowdown. Of course, Liberal Stephane Dion, below, will prefer to appeal to the panic reflex of voters, as that's all he's got to go on, desperate as he is...

Story here. ht: National Newswatch

The truth of the matter is that the Harper Conservatives have been and continue to be doing the right things. The Left and MSM and the Leftist "expert" "economists" (hey, didya know that Harper's also an economist himself, by training?!) are saying he "should do more", without saying what the "more" is, only adding to the confused panic of the voters who don't understand economics that well.

The Leftist Opposition, what do they propose? They propose worthless, massive, ultra-extreme left-wing tax-and-spend gobbleddygook. Jack Layton wants to slap corporations with job-killing tax hikes to the tune of $50 Billion and throw the money all over the place, communist-style. Stephane Dion wants to make everything more expensive and can't be trusted to ensure that his tax screwing scheme won't leave us all worse off and won't devastate the economy. Besides, the lower-income folks, particularly those who pay little or no income taxes, will be the most punished by his so-called "plan", obviously! So much for his promise to combat poverty... how will he do it- he didn't say, so we can only assume he plans to rule like a Soviet Canuckistani Communist! Everybody stand in line for toilet paper and bread! No pushing, or the nice policeman will escort you to the labor camps in Nunavut!

Communism is NOT the answer to a potential recession. Don't be scared into making the wrong choice!

Harper is NOT "out of touch" at all. The Leftist Opposition and the MSM are! They're trying to stir up panic and confusion amongst voters, trying to fearmonger against the sane, rational, safe course of the Harper Conservatives, trying to make voters make a stupid, panicky, wrong, misinformed choice and vote Leftist. A choice they WILL regret!

Today he defended his relatively meagre platform of $8.6-billion in spending promises and tax measures over four years, and said that not panicking and not introducing a big new stimulus package is what "ordinary Canadians" would do.


"Ordinary people often think more carefully about their investments. They think longer term. They don't rush out and pretend they win the lottery if the market goes up and they don't panic and rid themselves of everything if the market goes down. Those are the kinds of values we have because I think we think more like ordinary people."


“Canada took actions that weatherproofed our banks before the storm,” Mr. Harper said.

“It's one reason why our banks are safe and some other countries' banks are not.”

Now listen... tell me, what do you propose the Harper Conservatives do? Do you know? Do the Leftists/MSM/Left-wing "expert" "economists" know? No? Well, Stephen Harper does. He's, after all, an economist. That's right... Stephen Harper is an economist, whereas Stephane Dion is just a sociologist who apparently knows how to create a confused panic amongst society to try to get votes in a sneaky-cheaty way, as the Liebrano he is! So who will you dare trust, the expert Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, who's already done his job, or Stephane Dion, the panicky Left-wing lunatic sociology professor from the elite ivory towers of luxuriously-isolated academia?

The stuff needed to help Canada weather an economic slowdown... has already been done by the Harper Conservatives! They've already done their job! Why punish them for doing their job? We should reward them; they've proven themselves, whereas the alternatives are a dangerous gamble we know we'll lose with.

The Liberals... they just got lucky to preside during a massive, global economic boom and they cheated by keeping taxes high and slashing health care, education, starving national defence, national security and law enforcement and stuff like that, all the while living in the lap of luxury, riding in limousines, partaking of the finest beer and popcorn, chewing the finest gum, screwing their "partners" in fancy hotels in France, absconding to Costa Rica with 15 million bucks from ADSCAM to screw with their cabana boy... all on the taxpayers' dime! Do you really want more of that, during a global economic downturn, which isn't exactly anybody's fault, really, except those who permitted banks to lend to risky clients?

Give your heads a shake, voters! Use your brains before you vote! Don't let the manipulative Left/MSM scare you stupid!