"It sounds like they're awfully desperate"
Librano$$$, whaddya expect of dem? It's der nature! Now shaddup an' vote Liberal or else!
"They were inside the store, approaching customers with pamphlets, stopping them from doing their shopping," said Staff Sgt. Ed McNorton.
According to the police report, a store employee noticed one of the campaigners push a pamphlet so aggressively at a customer that the customer snatched it and threw it back.When store staff asked the campaigners to leave, they refused.
"They said, 'No, I have a right to stay here,'" McNorton said.
Police were called -- but even after the officers arrived, the campaigners didn't relent.
"Our guys approached them and asked them to leave the premises, as their activity was disrupting the business and the management requested that they leave," McNorton said.
"They responded by shoving a piece of paper in the officer's face."
Holy shee-it... corrupt, criminal Liberals with that infamous culture of entitlement, being where they wanna be, doing whatsoever they please, scoffing at the law, assaulting people minding their own business, assaulting police officers!
Bunch of fecking criminal arseholes! And do you really think that the ones who want to rule the country are necessarily any different? Remember ADSCAM? Remember all the crookedness? No? Then you've been in a fookin', gosh-darned coma between 1993-2006! Or you've got a frickin' massive memory loss the likes of which would frighten the most hardened psychologist!