What's going on with the potential First Lady?
She practices intimidation against media who speak the inconvenient truth about her husband.
She attemtps to censor the truth so that American voters will think that her husband is perfect and flawless and fit to be President. Anything, including the truth, which indicates that this isn't so... she'll get nasty, nasty, nasty...
Emphasis mine...
"A number of Americans who are die-hard Obama followers have tried their best to intimidate API using all kinds of threatening methods when they call in and when they e-mail us," the API statement said. "They are implying that API is planning to destroy Obama's chances to become the next U.S. president. API does not have a direct interest in the U.S. presidential elections and we want Obama supporters to understand that. However, when someone who may become the next first lady makes such comments as in the story we have published, the public have the right to know. Intimidation directed to the publishers of the story is not the answer.
"The delay to make public the recordings is expected to give time to Mrs. Obama to come clean and tell the American people that her comments were not meant to harm anyone but that she was reacting to the media pressure on her husband. She should also come out and tell the American people that she will not discriminate those who are not Obama fanatics if she becomes the first lady," the statement said.
"API is not out to convince the American public of anything. We do not want to influence the outcome of the U.S. presidential elections. API got a true story and published it. The fact that the story has caused a stir was unexpected, but that does not mean API must rush in a manner that will cause problems to itself, just to satisfy those who want the audio tapes so badly," the statement said. "When the legal concerns are cleared, which is happening in a short while, API will make public all the recordings available. This will also include comments, not yet published, which will most certainly put the Obama campaign spokesperson who had dismissed the story off balance.
"Even if our recordings or any other recordings had surfaced after the elections and if the contents were damaging to the elected person that still could have caused any elected president to vacate the White House. We all know that the tapes released in the U.S. in 1974 forced President Richard Nixon out of office. The truth is the truth. The tapes during Nixon time did not lie. The same here. The recordings that API will release soon will not lie to the American people. Most probably, it will change the political landscape, something the Americans should start getting prepared to face," Korir suggested.
Listen, it's clear that Obama has been getting a free ride from the American mainstream media.
But not necessarily from some foreign media which gets information from sources including at-least-as-credible-as-the-big-money-far-left-controlled-MSM non-mainstream media sources in America which don't get picked up by the American MSM (to protect Obama from the inconvenient, and damaging, truth, which would certainly impact his support level).
And that's why Mrs. Obama is so unhinged. She seems desperate to go to the White House. Why? What is her agenda? Hell, we don't know... nor do we know her husband's! They won't tell us, nor will the far-left-controlled American MSM ask them to say!
The question is: Will the far-left-controlled American MSM hide these recordings from the American People so as to protect the Obamas from the inconvenient truth that there's something not-so-positive about them and their scary, threatening supporters?
Most Americans may be unaware that the Democratic Party is responsible for the KKK, their militant wing, which murdered not only Black Americans, but also Republicans (regardless of race), simply because they had a different point of view than the Democrats.
Do the Obamas have a hidden agenda to deal harshly with those who don't adhere to their agenda?