They promised to run a "clean" campaign.

Not that we believed them. We know Liberals are liars. They lie as naturally and involuntarily as they breathe. Lying is innate for Liberals, a fundamental part of their being; they were born that way and they're going to add Liberals to the list of "protected" minorities if they become government. This means that we will be thrown in jail for dissing Liberals if they have their way... and the fascistic, rights-taking-away "Human Rights" Commissions are eager for this to happen, are salivating like wolves, at the prospect of serving their Librano masters again. And taking away our rights.

Think I'm being a little over the top? Well, just watch the Liberals and then ask yourself if you want a party that plays politics like this, like a blogger... like me, the very person Liberals love to hate... and they're doing exactly what they blast me for doing. Such hypocrites!
Again the Liberals are being rabidly, hatefully Ameriphobic and Bushophobic. The Liberals are now afflicted with Bush Derangement Syndrome, as if just being afflicted with Harper Derangement Syndrome wasn't enough of a mental disorder to get their rocks off... oh, and don't forget that some of 'em openly, proudly marched shoulder to shoulder with supporters of the banned terrorist organization Hezobollah. Don't forget that there are anti-Semites/Islamofascists inside the Liberal Party and that Stephane Dion owes them, as well as other radically hateful extremists, for his leadership.

That's right, folks... the Liberals are spewing hatred at America again. So, so, sooooo nasty, hateful, intolerant! They haven't changed one bit, have they? They're sooo proud of their hateful extremism and arrogance!

The Liberals are telling lies, lies, lies, and the mainstream media gleefully reports these lies over and over and over again... top and bottom of the hour... front page headlines, day after day, despite it not being the least bit newsworthy. They're conspiring to defame the Conservatives with allegations based on falsehoods. They're conspiring. We can see it. It's obvious... fecking obvious. You don't need a front-page headline to tell you what's going on; you can see it for yourself. Clearly the MSM is biased, and totally in favor of the Liberals!
And the Liberals are getting help from their friends in the MSM. The MSM isn't reporting about the racist, murder-inciting Liberal candidate who was kicked out for saying "Kill Mohawks". They aren't reporting that Stephane Dion plagiarized the David Suzuki Foundation.
The Liberal-friendly MSM is protecting the Liberals from the inconvenient truth about them while blasting and trumpeting all over the place all the damn time the accusations by such reliable, scrupulous characters as the Librano$$$ themselves (ADSCAM! Owe $40 Million to taxpayers! 9 Billion dollars missing in "foundations"...), narcississtic, titty-showing-off, criminal-associating stuck-up bee-otch slut/golddigger pathological attention hound Julie Couillard, you name 'em... as if the pure, unadulterated bullshit they spew is the biggest news all day, every day, all over the fecking gosh-darned, unhinged-moonbat mainstream media! Shee-it! Feck! WTF?!
Ok now... time to release the dirt on the Liberals. Come on, Conservatives... talk about ADSCAM. Talk about the forty million dollars they owe the taxpayers. Talk about the racists and extremists in the Liberal Party. Expose every little flaw in such a way as the MSM will be unable to avoid reporting a lot about. Get the buzz going about how horrible the Liberals are, that they have a hidden agenda to be even more left-wing than the NDP and the Bloc, that they plan to impose Sharia Law, whatever. It doesn't matter which is true, which is false... for the MSM is babbling incessantly about the false accusations against the Conservatives all damn day, every damn day, all over the place, knowing that saturation of the electorate's mind is what matters, not whether the accusations are the truth or not. This is how Liberals win... by cheating like Nazis!
The Liberals and the MSM are conspiring to bring down the Conservative government by saturating the airwaves, front page headlines and cyberspace with lies, damned lies and outright defamation. Nazi propagandist Josef "Big Lie" Goebbels would be incredibly impressed with these nasty guys!
Are we going to let those Liberal bastards get away with their crooked, corrupt, organized-criminal behavior?
Are we?
We must save Canada from the Liberals. They have a hidden agenda we don't want to discover!