Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Conservatives Build Muscle In Election; Liberals Dry Up, Blow

Good morning, Canada!

Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper, above, wins additional seats and popular support for his party, while the Liberals, below, dropped like puffin poop to a level of popular support unseen since the 1800s, including seeing the Tories surge way past them in Battleground Ontario. My own riding, happily, is once again Tory blue, the Liberal incumbent having his big, fat-cat bum kicked out of the seat.

Try as they did, the mainstream media was unable to help the Left bash and smear the Conservatives out of power. The inconvenient truth for the Left is that the Harper Conservatives have proven themselves to be a very good government, and too many people are well aware of this to vote otherwise, to the unhinged consternation of the Left.

Story here.

Obviously, Liberal "leader" Stephane Dion's back is now full of Librano knives. He's done like burnt toast. A crushing defeat, a demoralizing time for the Liberals. They're probably broke now, too. Be interesting to see who will show up for the leadership contest, never mind how the hell it'll be paid for. I hope that this time they don't pick a lame leader, that they don't pick a leader with glaring infirmities which can be used as an excuse to not answer inconvenient questions (Stephane Dion and his former boss Jean Chretien used their own claimed communication difficulties to get out of answering questions posed by ballsy reporters).

I believe we can expect former New Brunswick premier Frank McKenna to offer himself up to the membership. But bring him on. Will the party and the Left and the MSM forgive him for his fight against abortion and the babykiller Morgentaler while in power? Will they risk the whole thing again on another do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do Liebrano, a guy who, while in power, banned radar detectors and then got himself caught operating one? Problem is, to have that guy, an "anti-choice", as the Left would call him, far-right monster with a hidden agenda, would make it impossible to accuse the Conservatives of planning to be like him, without looking like a bunch of hypocritical dummies themselves, having made McKenna their leader. And McKenna would have a hard time claiming he's tough on crime while he himself proved hypocritical on that score.

Michael Ignatieff? The pro-torture, pro-war, more-American-than-Canadian ivory-tower egghead academic who gets insanely excited about puffin poop and has a countenance that looks angry and evil so much of the time? The Left wants this guy? Let them have him, let them call the Tories "far-right", being the pot calling the kettle black...

Bob Rae? The tax and spend former Ontario premier who presided over recession and massive deficits? The skinny-dipping Boob Ray? The nudie commie? Bring him on.

"Darth" Ujjal Dosanjh? The ex-NDP, tax and spend premier of B.C.? He's just another leftist hypocrite. Together with Boob Ray, he proves that the Liberals are leftist, not centrist (c'mon, MSM... call the Liberals leftist, because they are!).

Who else will offer their Leftist ass to the Librano membership? Who cares? They're the Liberal Party, fofecksake!

Now we can try to move forward. If the Left will let us. If they don't, then we'll be back again after another election war, with, most likely, according to the trend we've maintained since 1993, a majority!

We must now proceed to undo the terrible damage done by the Liberals and move forward positively.