When it comes to Barack Obama, while he speaks masterfully and has a wonderful way with words, one must remember to read between the lines, for he frequently speaks in code with soothing tones...
Story here.
-"...this constant wound...", "...this constant sore..."
Imagine if he had said such words about Islam. He'd have to apologize amid riots and calls to behead infidels and all that crap... The context, whatever one interprets it as being, wouldn't matter; the words matter. So they ought to matter if he uses such incendiary, unfair words with respect to Israel, whose fault the MidEast conflict it is not, for it's mostly the fault of the Islamic world and the KGB.
It's also unfair that he says that Israel building settlements (on Israeli land, mind y'all, for "Gaza" and the "West Bank" are legally Israeli land, and have been since 1967, when she won these territories fair and square in a war in which she was the victim of the first, unprovoked strike by certain Islamic countries in the region) is somehow the cause of the continuance of the MidEast conflict, which it isn't, for it's really the KGB's fault and the fault of the Islamist pawns thereof. After all, Israel allows Arabs/Muslims to build settlements on Israeli land, so why can't Israel allow Israeli Jews to build settlements on Israeli land as well?
What a moron.
John McCain will demonstrate this in a debate soon enough. At least one hopes he'll have the balls to tell it like it is and show the world what a bigoted Israelophobe Obama really is.
Unfortunately, far too many Democrats have been fooled by this silky-smooth sweet-talker. Then again, remember, the Demmies made slick old Bill Clinton President... and we know what happened then...