Now we have the German state apparatus giving an award to a Nazi doctor. This is just incredible. I cannot believe they'd honor a Nazi butcher.
Dr. Hans-Joachim Sewering was honoured for having "performed unequalled servicesin the cause of freedom of the practice and the independence of the medical profession, and to the nation's health system," the German Federation of Internal Medicine said in a statement.
Since 1978, Der Spiegel has published documents claiming that Sewering, while a doctor at a tuberculosis clinic near Munich, sent a 14-year-old girl to die at a euthanasia centre carrying out secret Nazi policies to murder members of society especially weak of body or mind.
The U.S. Anti-Defamation League claims Sewering sent a total of 900 children to their death at a euthanasia centre. Sewering has admitted to membership in the SS, an elite Nazi formation, but has always denied being responsible for euthansia.
This is a highly inappropriate choice. No Nazi war criminal should be awarded anything other than, perhaps, a noose. Worn firmly around the neck.
Something is clearly still wrong in Germany.
ht: NationalNewswatch.com