Really, Bob Rae doth protest too much.
(Do remember to read the article at that link so as to get the background)
You know, his people, New Democrats (he was the NDP Premier of Ontario who racked up the horrendous agenda of entitlism, rampant overspending, deficit, debt and rising taxes), Liberals and just plain radical leftists, are always saying stuff about the Conservatives like what Prime Minister Stephen Harper recently said about leftists, obviously including Liberals.
When the left makes veilled accusations of intolerance and of potential genocidalism against non-leftists, the left is proud of itself for "standing against those bad people and against badness", etc, but when the left is on the receiving end, when the shoe's on the other foot, when the tables are turned, the left acts as if it's beyond the pale to make such comments, and now we have Boob Ray playing the Big, Fat Hypocrite.
Basically, PM Harper reminded us all that there are still anti-Semites and anti-Israelis out there (obviously within and amongst the left) who have a barely-hidden agenda of intolerance towards the world's Jewry and towards Israel (just as do the Islamic supremacists/imperialists, who have historically shared their Jew-hatred with the Nazis and had actually fought on the same side, literally in the same army). He also reminded us that the anti-Semites would also target the rest of us who weren't onside with the anti-Semites' dangerous ideology.
Boob Ray wants to know who, exactly, the PM is talking about. But I suspect Boob Ray already knows and is in convenient, comfortable but delusional denial about it. Hell, everyone knows who the PM's talking about. Or they ought to, and ought to start paying attention to who the real bigots are, to who's onside with the likes of the Islamofascists, with the likes of Hezbollah, Hamas, Fatah, Ahmadinijad, the Neo-Nazis...
Dangnabit... Boob Ray is just like Warren Kinsella, finding phony images of intolerance on stall walls in boys' bathrooms and in other hoaxical forms rather than looking for it where it really is. I mean, these guys, both leftist Liberals, don't want to admit that some of their own people and that, yes, believe it or not, some folks who are different from them (Bob and Warren are self-loathing "honkies", obviously) ethnically can be and sometimes actually are "hateful", and in a very dangerous way.
Bob Rae needs to face the truth, which is that within his ideology and amongst his ideological brethren and within the Islamic world, both abroad and in Canada (and even inside the Liberal Party itself), there exists rabid, undying Jew-hatred and intolerance for anyone who dares oppose whatever his ideological kinfolk declare to be so.
Give your head a shake, Bobby, old boy. Get a clue. Get a grip. Wake up and smell the reality coffee. You know what and about whom the Prime Minister is talking about; stop suspending your disbelief already!
And, lest ye protest my lumping ye in with those folks, Booby, if ye don't wish to be considered as being of their ilk, don't be on the same side with them politically, then!
Oh, and the latest news pertaining to myself, I'm still busy as hell. I just took tenancy of a new apartment and have a helluva lot of work awaiting me to prepare to move in. Today I'll be cleaning and shining the hardwood floors (don't you just loooove hardwood floors?), which are a tiny bit dusty and dull, thanks to the previous tenant, who apparently didn't really appreciate their beauty. Of course, the downside of having a spacious apartment with hardwood floors is the time and effort required to keep 'em looking good, but, hey, one needs to exercise and maintain one's self-discipline and hard work, eh (I'm reminded of Mr. Myagi, who taught about "wax on, wax off", etc...)?