Funny, but I've been accused of the same silly nonsense by similar leftwing dummies in the blogosphere.
OTTAWA–The Conservative Party has been accused of fanning anti-Toronto sentiment by targeting NDP Leader Jack Layton in a controversial campaign that portrays him as an Ontario-centric politician who doesn't understand western Canada.The literature includes a photo of Layton and the CN Tower in the background with the message that he is out of touch with the issues in provinces west of Ontario.
So? What's "hateful" about saying that someone's out of touch with an entire region of Canada? The Leftist Opposition always make that sort of accusation against the Conservatives, yet when the Conservatives do it, it's "hatemongering"? Oh, puh-leez! Telling it like it is isn't "hatemongering".
But the communistic NDP's Pat Martin has a major brainfart and actually says it is:
"Those leaflets are hate-mongering, plain and simple, towards Toronto, trying to vilify somebody because of where they come from. We don't circulate pamphlets with (Prime Minister) Stephen Harper next to an oil derrick or the Husky Tower as if that was a reason to hate a person," Martin said.
Oh, for heaven's sake, Patty, grow a brain. It's fair political commentary, dude, and everyone does it. In fact, your own people make unfair political commentary and don't get labelled "hateful".
Also, how can you tell whether someone actually feels that emotion? What makes you think you can tell? Really, you can't, unless you're a mind-reader or some kind of empath.
The pamphlet refers to Layton's so-called "... political bosses at the big special interest groups in Toronto and Ottawa."
Well, I agree with those pamphlets. They tell it like it is about the ultra-extreme left-winger, "Taliban Jack" Layton. He does pander to radically extreme special interests and doesn't understand nor care about the concerns and grievances of the ordinary Canadian, as far as I'm concerned. He certainly doesn't seem to give a damn what I think and what I need as a Canadian. He's all about currying favor with extremists on the Far Left and with Islamizers so as to win their votes, with a view to winning more seats in the next election so as to try to further radically leftify Canada for his zealous supporters. And, of course, his policies with respect to energy in general are anti-Western. And anti-Newfoundland and anti-Nova Scotia, as those provinces are also energy-rich. The "climate change" hatemongering Mr. Layton spews does nothing to help his image at all in such provinces, therefore the pamphlets, I believe they're correct.
Oh, and it is noted that the NDP has virtually no seats in Saskatchewan nor Alberta, both western oil-rich provinces. Wonder why?
And what's up with the Left's bizarre fetish for accusing people of "hatemongering" just for saying something different from what Leftists say? It's really, really stupid and speaks about the Left rather than about those they accuse of feeling that emotion.