Take heart, my fellow freedom loving Canadians. The government has, indeed, been listening to your concerns about the liberal fascists who take away peoples' rights.
And they're now taking action.
Canadian freedom fighter Ezra Levant tells us about it.
The Conservative government has introduced a motion to Parliament's Justice Committee proposing an investigation into the abusive, corrupt practises of the Canadian Human Rights Commission. The motion specifically refers to public "concerns" about the CHRC's "investigative techniques" and their "interpretation and application" of the section 13 thought crimes provision.

The resolution, which you can read here in both official languages, was put forward by Rick Dykstra (pictured at left), the Conservative MP from St. Catherines, Ontario, with the knowledge and approval of the Justice Minister, Rob Nicholson. Here is an e-mail from Nicholson, sent to a voter just today, in which you can read his change of approach. An excerpt from Nicholson's letter:I would like to inform you that my caucus colleague Mr. Rick Dykstra has tabled a motion that the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights examine and make recommendations with respect to the CHRC, including its mandate, operations, and interpretation and application of provisions relating to section 13 of the CHRA, which addresses hate messages. I look forward to that review.
Jason Kenney, the Secretary of State for Multiculturalism, was also instrumental in getting this issue onto the government's agenda.
The government's proposed inquiry comes on top of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada's announcement last month that she is investigating the corrupt and abusive conduct of the Canadian Human Rights Commission. And earlier this month, Ottawa police referred a criminal complaint about the CHRC to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, who are now conducting a criminal investigation.
Canada is becoming a country that, bit by bit, will less and less tolerate intolerance, particularly in the bureaucratic, "arms-length", leftist-dominated state apparatus. After all, the state apparatus has spun out of control, hijacked by the fascist forces of far-left darkness.
The wheels of reform are in motion as we speak.
This is why we must ensure that the Left doesn't come back to power. If the Left were to win an election again soon, the wheels would be brought to a halt and reversed, restoring and quickly worsening the Stalinist regime which has been and continues to oppress and tyrannize Canadians for (inconveniently for the Left) exercising and enjoying their human rights.
We will not rest until this hateful far-left monster is slain.