Sunday, October 15, 2006

North Korea Kills the "Racially Impure"

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Story here.

Terrible, evil highlights (emphasis mine):

"There are no people with physical defects in North Korea," said Ri Kwang-chol, a North Korean doctor who escaped last year. Babies with defects are killed by medical staff and quickly buried, he told the London Times.


Among the "physical defects" that will get a baby killed – even one in the womb – is being half-Chinese.


Han Myong-suk, a 30-year-old woman who escaped twice and who was helped to find sanctuary in a third country by Helping Hands Korea, an American Christian group, had her baby forcibly aborted following her return to North Korea after being sold by traffickers to a Chinese farmer. Five months pregnant when the Beijing government deported her, Han was interned in a detention camp for women.


"These Koreans genuinely believe they are a master race and that the peninsula will be united under the rule of the Kim dynasty."

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Remind anyone of Hitler's Nazis?

Slaughtering "impure" newborns, forcing the mothers to watch... forced abortions, pure unadulterated racism.

Human trafficking and slavery between North Korea and China. Note that China isn't all that good, either.

And they both have nuclear weapons. Certainly China does. And they're both imperialistic, with clearly stated policies of annexing other nations as their own... reminiscent of Hitler's own horrible policies.

Yet we have leftists... in Canada... saying they think the President of the United States is "scarier than Kim Jung Il"?!

Strange... as the President of the US is pro-life, staunchly opposed to the killing of babies... therefore, leftists are stupid and delusional, if not also evil themselves!

I'd be perfectly fine with a military intervention to terminate the rule of Kim Jung Il and liberate the oppressed, brainwashed people of North Korea. I just hope they won't stay racist/supremacist once their so-called "Dear Leader" is gone.

If we say we'd have supported a military campaign to remove Hitler and his Nazis from power and liberate the German people, stopping the Holocaust, then we must also, for consistency's and credibility's sake, support a military campaign to liberate North Korea.

The left must oppose all regimes that don't permit freedom, democracy, the rule of law and human rights. The left must oppose regimes that slaughter people for being genetically or otherwise impure.

The left also must not oppose military force to remove totalitarian oppressors from such nations in order to liberate their peoples.

But I don't hold my breath for any sudden epiphanies on the part of the delusional left.