Story here.
That's right. Aboriginal politicians of Atlantic Canada reject human rights for Aboriginals.
In Canada.
I'm not making this up.
The Conservative government of Stephen Harper wants to guarantee that Aboriginals' human rights will be respected and defended, as are everyone else's.
But the Aboriginal politicians are opposed to any such guarantee. They don't want their constituents' human rights to be guaranteed and protected, as are those of all other Canadian citizens.
They want, in Canada, a two-tier system of rights- one for Aboriginals and another for non-Aboriginals.
Their excuses for opposing human rights must be rejected. They cite the "collective" nature of Aboriginal societies, as if that could be accepted as overriding human rights, which, of course, it can't.
They also cite "treaties" as having supremacy over human rights. Incidentally, this proves my long-maintained point that Aboriginal politicians and extremists don't care about human rights at all because they see centuries-old "treaties" as moneymaking tools. They could actually care less about treaties, except for one thing: When treaties concern land that's suddenly worth a fortune to Aboriginals, all of a sudden they occupy the land and demand everyone else get out or pay a tax to them or something.
I reject such arguments. No argument is valid if it denies human rights to any identifiable group of persons.
All persons must be guaranteed the same rights and be treated equally under and before the law.
Aboriginal politicians, specifically the ones who value money over human rights and equality, that is, are no better than the likes of the Chinese Communist Party, the de-facto-Communist/fascist government of Russia today, the totalitarian, genocidally imperialistic regime of Iran, the insanely cruel North Korea, the brutally racist, facist Zimbabwean regime of Robert Mugabe and so on...
Regular Aboriginal people want their equal human rights in Canada to be guaranteed, and the Conservative government of Stephen Harper is listening, cares, and is proposing to legislate this guarantee. But the greedy, selfish Aboriginal politicians are opposed to human rights for their people.
Shame on the corrupt, mean-spirited Aboriginal politicians and all who take their side against human rights for Aboriginals in Canada!
There can never be an excuse for not guaranteeing all Canadians equal human rights. To start allowing excuses for denying human rights on the basis of race, sex, ancestry, etc... is a slippery slope and would set a dangerous precedent. And world history proves that once a society starts sliding down that slope, the ultimate results are catastrophic.
But count on the Aboriginal politicians, Aboriginal terrorists and the brainless, leftwing international socialists to argue against guaranteeing human rights for all Canadians in Canada. You know they will. Because that's who they really are. And they're being unmasked as we speak, their true faces exposed for all to see.